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need help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by soxxs, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Hi guys this is my first time growing nothing special realy just to see if i can grow a plant under normal house conditionsThis is my plant and i want to ask is it normal to be so small i have had it for almost 2 months now from seed and you can see that it is a femaly but i didnt swich to 12/12 light regiment im sory for the pic but i took it with my camera phone
  2. you can probably keep a plant alive under those conditions, but it will take forever to do anything. 2 months already that plant would be ready to start flowering and be 3-4' tall or more. not saying that it wont work, but probably will have to be very patient. ??? just my 2 cents
  3. #3 soxxs, Sep 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2009
    ok so how do i speed up the veg proces and what about the sexing i didnt sex the plant it just hapend on its own i just maasured it its 7 inch tall
  4. only way you are going to speed up the veg process is to get alot of light wattage on it. you will know what sex it is when you see the pistils (female) or little banana lookin things (male)
  5. oh and one more thing the female pistils are turning light green is this normal
  6. Pistils should be a white color!
  7. i know but mine are light greenish is that some sord of problem
  8. if they are green, good chance its a male. their banana lookin seed pods are usually green
  9. no its not male the white hairs that are suposed to be white are showing i know it's not a male it's a female but why did they turn from white to light green
  10. well if you know then you know. i dont know why they would turn from white to green, usually goes from white to orange..
  11. can it be somekind of genetic thing like the slow growth
  12. I think the slow growth is not genetic and more of a lack of light situation. Its hard to help you because we don't know your setup. It looks like the plant is sitting on a windowsill, which would explain the slow growth. We don't know what soil you're using, what kind of nutrients, etc. It would help if you could post a picture with a closeup of the pistils.

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