Need Help!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ForTheLoveOfMarijuana, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. I Started an outdoor grow around six weeks ago and was able to achieve budding plants now that the summer is coming to an end in my region rain is coming in i am worried of bud rot because i have seen it happen before. My question is this if i bring my plants inside will the buds continue and if not are there any alternatives to get the bud to continue for a good harvest
  2. @ForTheLoveOfMarijuana
    Inside like a grow room filled with HID lights ?? That works but you risk major bug issues bringing an outside plant inside.. You can do the plant shuffle and drag them inside the garage at the first signs of rain.. Trim the fans and sugar leaves and get a more open plant.. Shake them off if they do get wet.. Just a few of the things you can do..

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