Need help with this idea

Discussion in 'General' started by Bud420, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. What is something that would signify struggle? I am going to get a tattoo with sunrays for making it through struggle but I cant think of anything that would represent struggle
  2. what if like a dea officer jumps on one of their backs and tries to tackle the sunray but it shakes him off and breaks through
  3. Dude you have smoked yourself retarded lol :confused:
  4. What is it that you've struggled through?
  5. All those spider web tats you see usually signify a struggle, ie: caught in a web...but they can also have to do with murders, prison and white supremacy so probably don't get one.... also if you cant decide on your own tattoo don't get a tattoo
  6. shackles or chains maybe? not sure how you could incorporate that into your rays of sun, but just an idea.
  7. Struggle = La Brea Tar Pits kind of shit.

    Emerging covered in thick slimy tar to the glorious sunshine again. :smoke:
  8. It's kind of embarrassing because most people don't see this as a problem, but I have struggled with social anxiety my entire life and now I am finally getting over it.
  9. Reaching a mountain top in time to watch the sun rise.
  10. how about a nice sun breaking through some dark clouds...I dig that Idea.
  11. what race are you
  12. I kinda like that idea

    White and Hispanic
  13. Naw man, just get this tattoo and everyone will think you're a BOSS!!!
  14. lmao that shits dead!!!

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