What is something that would signify struggle? I am going to get a tattoo with sunrays for making it through struggle but I cant think of anything that would represent struggle
what if like a dea officer jumps on one of their backs and tries to tackle the sunray but it shakes him off and breaks through
All those spider web tats you see usually signify a struggle, ie: caught in a web...but they can also have to do with murders, prison and white supremacy so probably don't get one.... also if you cant decide on your own tattoo don't get a tattoo
shackles or chains maybe? not sure how you could incorporate that into your rays of sun, but just an idea.
Struggle = La Brea Tar Pits kind of shit. Emerging covered in thick slimy tar to the glorious sunshine again.
It's kind of embarrassing because most people don't see this as a problem, but I have struggled with social anxiety my entire life and now I am finally getting over it.