Need help with soil!!!

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by tornadotony, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. So im doing this the poor man's way with some regs.. Can I just use some soil from the back? Theres also a creek by my crib and I was wondering if I get in there and grab the black shit from the bottom that would be really good amirite? And I was told to save bannanna peels and apple cores and egg shells... and grind it up into the mix...
  2. You could use the dirt from outback. But since you don't know exatly what is in that soil and polutaints will go into your bud. And bugs, they will come out and have fun. Just go out and buy a bag of regular potting soil from wally world or something. Might not be great, but better than the dirt from outback
  3. How long should i germinate my seeds.. sittin on 3 days with roots showing on 3
  4. Its time to put them in some soil
  5. done, how much should i water it
  6. Sorry about taking forever. Working can be a bitch. But in the beginning when I started seeds (I put them in solo cups). I would water until the soil was wet and let it sit until the top half inch or so was dry to water again.
  7. You'll be able to tell from the look of your plant, or you ought to be able to from the look of the soil. Also, learn to feel the weight in your hands and when it's lighter than it ought to be, add water.

    Mary's good about letting you know when she needs water, and letting you know when she's happy. :)
  8. Just like he said. It gets to the point when you grow you will find that point wen u need to water. its just a look and vibe you get of the plant.

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