Need help with sativa white widow

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Buick1275, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. My white widow plants flowering phase started out fine but now she is 5 weeks in and her buds are not started to thickening up. She is getting taller But her stretch has slowed. This is my first time with sativa and this white widow is not mixed. So I'm sure she is majority sativa. Plese if any one can help letting me know when and if the buds will start to thicken please let me know.

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  2. Has it gone back to Veg maybe?
  3. I've been real good about light because I thought the same thing
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  4. Your plant isn't getting enough sun...or at least that's what it looks like to me. It's tall and lanky like that because it's stretching trying to get more light. I've been growing that particular strain for several years now and at 5 weeks into flower, the buds should be more developed than that. It also should've been topped several times along the way as it's been growing in the veg stage. They are normally a plant that can grow tall, but you control the height with pruning during veg. This also increases the number of tops on your plant and you control it's shape and growth. I don't know where you're growing those at, but you need to move them to somewhere that they're getting absolutely as many hours of direct sunlight every day that they can get. If you get them in the right place and give them some support to keep them upright when the buds do put on and thicken up, it should come on out and finish nicely. Always remember that it's not the nutes that are the magic to a MJ plant, it's the light. Nutes are just plant food and way way too much emphasis is put on them in the up and coming grow market by the nute manufacturers. Imagine how much money they're raking in. Nutes have nothing more in them than any other fertilizer out there and as long as the nutritional needs of the plant are met, it's good. It doesn't matter whether you had to buy 10 bottles to get it or if you get it some other way. The key is knowing what the plant wants and needs during each stage of life and providing it. But light is the key to everything with this plant....that and the root system. The root system is the brain and you always want to keep it happy and working well, but light determines the seize of the plant and the quantity and quality of buds after harvest and cure. TWW
  5. Bro thank u so much for the info. What is crazy is that the plant was topped many times in veg but at about week two of flowering she grew about 3 inches a day. I'm used to keeping my light about 15 inches from the tops of my plant and at this time I would let her get about 10 and I could see she was starting to burn so I had to move my light. It's a 600w so u know what I mean do u think she can be saved?
  6. Are you growing inside or outside ? Have you been nuting them ?
  7. Indoor and I'm using blooming nutrients

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