Need help with my very first grow ever(microgrow)

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by Str8upblazin, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. I'll be growing 2 plants in a box in my basement but I need some help with what supplies I should buy for this. This is my first ever grow of any type so please help me out by posting what stuff I will need to buy to make this sucessful and the prices of them. Thanks and peace :smoking:
  2. please read the threads before asking questions like this. it pushes threads off the recent list for no reason.
  3. #3 bgsixxxniner, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    Yo str8 welcome to the city....the question u asked was to general. But ill try. Since its ur 1st grow there r a few questions you have got to ask yourself.
    1-r u growing hydro or soil?
    Soil would be easier..& since ur new, you should try soil.
    2-how much room do u have in box?
    This will help determine a few things, like what kind of lights to use, how long to veg b4 switching, &
    what kind of ventilation your gonna use. Try cfls
    they cost less, & heat issues r minimal. Depending
    on size of box u need to start flowering when
    plants r one thiird the size u want them.
    3- r u growing from seed or clones?
    4-does smell matter? Stealth or not?
    5-ru goin organic or w/chemical nutes?

    Once u figure out all of those variables u can then have a good idea where to start. If u need help making light fixtures u can search threads or go to my grow and chck out what i did. It might give you some kind of ideas on how to set up your shiznit.

    Good luck bro and holla if you need help. Oh yeah keep a journal on gc, that way all the veterans can help u out. Im neww too, but i learned alot from this site. And even if u dont want help, keeping a journal will help u keep track of your progress. Holla

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