Need help with my english paper....

Discussion in 'General' started by marquise10, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. I have a English paper due Thursday on why Marijuana should be legalized. I have good valid points on why it should be but not enough for a 750-1000 word essay. Could I get a few links or some good points I could use as ideas. Any help would be appreciated
  2. Just start of with the fact that everyone should be able to decide what they put into their bodies. Then just cite/explain some medical used and you will be past 1000 words in no time.
  3. OR don't... school and cannabis should be separate...

    trust me been there done that:cool:

  4. Simple as this.
  5. Good point. Thanks
  6. What about focusing on the negative side effects of pills that marijuana does have. Like cancer victims use it to combat nausea during chemo and the other meds they offer have tons of terrible side effects. Also its the only thing found so far that stops the progression of glaucoma. The meds precribed for that just slow it down. (Forget where I read that, but you should be able to find it on google)
  7. I had to write a 1000 word essay on why its important to lable your toothbrush and soap dish when I was in bootcamp, its really not a lot of words. There's thousands and thousands of articles on how weed being kept illegal impedes on human rights and if made legal would put a lot of cartels in mexico out of profit, who line their roads with dead mutilated bodies. Not to mention keeping billions of dollars in OUR country, stimulating OUR economy and possibly even save us from the reform and oil tycoons and deforestation.
  8. I would never write a paper over anything marijuana related unless I knew for sure the professor was absolutely pro marijuana. If the professor is not pro marijuana then there is the chance his subconscious political view on marijuana will cause you to lose points.

  9. post your outline, or gimme the points you wanna make.
  10. I had a professor in college that refused to read any paper on the topic of marijuana legalization-not because he was opposed to it but because every paper written on it is repetitive and lacks any measure of original thought.

  11. Damn stoners..:rolleyes:
  12. I once wrote an essay in highschool on how our city caters to senior citizens, and replaces everything that was aimed to the city's youth with junk that only old people would appreciate. All the stores in our malls were closed, if we asked for a skate park we had to build it ourselves, the water park was shut down, the radio station that played "todays hot music" was changed from Hot 101.1 to 101.1 theFarm... shitty country music, and the crime and vandalization rate was really high, even for a city our size.

    He didn't agree with that at all, thought there was lots for kids to do like going to the playground and playing basketball or go mini golfing, so I was graded really poorly. I even sent some interview questions to a city reporter for the news paper and she didnt agree with it either but didn't counter my premise with facts of her own, just bitched at me like I was a dumb, delinquent teenager blaming others for my bordom.

    So the moral of my story is.... yeah, you gotta be carefull what you write about because the personal opinion of others will effect your grades.
  13. So you have no good points? :p

    People aren't going to do the work for you just because this is a weed forum (just kidding I guess some people have already lol). Google is your friend. 750-1000 words is nothin
  14. Where's granny :mad:
  15. [quote name='"mrgoodsmoke"']

    post your outline, or gimme the points you wanna make.[/quote]

    My points: 1. DEA wastes time, money & energy on marijuana busts instead.
    2. It has medical benefits
    3. Marijuana users are not known for being violent.
    3. Alcohol & tobacco have more harsh effects on the body than marijuana.
    4. It would stimulate the economy.
    5. It creates jobs with the harvesting & sales.
  16. Start your paper with "I'm a stereotypical pothead student, and I couldn't think of any better to write than a paper on why pot should be legal." Turn it in, accept your F and drop of out of college.
  17. Congratulations, you've written every paper on legalization ever.

  18. Yeah but if you blow said professors mind with true facts, you might just get an A+

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