Need help with identifying

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by greenie1983, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. This is an indoor grow. Two week into flower. I'm trying to figure out which one is a female so I can clone and start a real grow cycle. I only have one pic so far but plan on adding more later. I have 4 plants left (had 9 but this grow started downhill to begin with heh... may get into that later) but this one is the only one showing signs of sex and unfortunately looks male...

    Gained a bunch of knowledge from this though.

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  2. need to actually give us a correct picture to look at, you need a picture of the nodes
  3. beautiful flower though

  4. Sorry, that was the only picture that came out clear. Camera sucks. It was male. You could see the clusters if you look closely, but It clearer if your in person.

    Anyways I took that one out. The three left are all females. each one has white hairs growing from the top cola and two node areas below the cola. Here are some pics, but like I said, crappy camera.

    The first and second one is pics from the male. the third is the three I have left, and the final two are two of the three showing the white hairs.

    I Plan on trying to clone the left one tonight since it has plenty of side shoots. the other two are growing with far fewer nodes and side shoots.

    Attached Files:

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