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Need help with grinder

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Markcus, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. so i recently found a grinder in a bag on the street, and i'm not entirely sure how to use it..
    it looks like this:
    and when i open it up it looks like this:[​IMG]
    i've used it a couple times, i put my herb in the bottom of it but i have put it in the top part (where the pokey things are) and rotated it so it was grinded a lot and it just turned my weed really flakey so i had to use a screen in my bowl..
    (is it better to use a screen in your bowl anyway?)
    but yea, i'm not sure exactly how to use it or what it's purpose is?

  2. I always use a screen in my bowl. Usually, because I always grind my weed up very nicely. 

    That looks like a pretty standard grinder. Just load up on the second piece in the picture (The part that goes under the top part), grind it up really good. 

    The bottom part fills up nicely with keif if done right. If you get any big chunks, just put them back through with some more weed.
  3. how grinded up should the pieces be? and is weed better when it's grinded?
    and how do i know when i have keif?
    (sorry i have so many questions haha)
  4. Keif is almost like powder, very very fine. It should look almost sparkly depending on the quality of weed, due to it having a lot of trichomes (The hairs on the bud) in it.

    How ground up it is is personal preference. I personally just keep grinding until it has the consistency of say, oregano or most spices you see. Or catnip.

    Better is a point of view...It doesn't make it any more powerful or anything. But it is easier to fit more in a bowl by quite a bit.
  5. You put the weed in the part with the pokey bits, that's what grinds it up
  6. ooh and doesn't the keif fall through the filter thing and into the bottom part? and that's how you get it?

    but right, thank you very much :D
    but ahh, makes sens
  7. aha thanks :b i got that much
  8. u can grind it up to as fine as you like but you put the bud in first and sprinkle the kief on top or layer it in the middle so it doesnt by chance go through the screen

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