I need help with germination. Leaves are turning yellow and tips are starting to turn brown and crispy. Below is what I have going along with some additional info: 4 t5 lights about 3-4 inches from tops of plants Temp: between 78 and 82 tops No nutes as of yet PH 5.8-6.0 I have always been cautious not to over water but am afraid that it is either over or possible under watering that has caused this. The droopy leaves make me feel that it is over watered but the crispy tips make me think otherwise...please help, pics below.
the heat is always hotter closer to the bulb than the rest if the room. maybe put a thermometer at the plants level to see how hot it gets that close. looks kinda like heat stress. and if you already don't have good air circulation in your growing area that could be it too
bump... The temp reading at plant level is 83, I can't figure it out, but any input would be appreciated.
my guess would be under watering, but..... why are you putting rockwool inside of rockwool? why not just poke a little hole? cover the plant a little have the roots shot threw the bottom of your rockwool yet? try only soaking the bottom of your rockwool for five seconds..... thats it for every watering...... it make the plants search for the water... Is the top of the rockwool damp at all? have you tried(most would advise not to do this) putting a dome over your rockwool and plant? maybe with a 5 second soak and a dome it will cure your problems... monitor closely I cannot other than that find a single problem with your seeds or your setup
Tihspeed thanks for your response, I was initially leaning underwatering as the issue. To answer your question there are no visible roots coming through the big cube as of yet, so my question is how can I know if the plant is getting water by soaking only the bottom half? The top of the cube is top really that moist but the cube definitely still has some weight to it. Last time I watered was 4 days ago from the top. How often is a good rule of thumb for watering at this stage? Thanks again.
ph is a little low? Too much or too little water. Maybe it's a little too warm for em? Just troubleshooting, not saying any one is the cause of your troubles.
You have everything in line. Did you flush your rockwool? What kind of water are you using? What is the temperature at the root zone. My guess here is that the water you are using is toxic, or that the rock wool contained something bad for the plants. The fact they went brown and crispy like that is bad news. It means it is too hot up top and that the plant cannot move enough water via its immature and tiny root system to transpire enough to stay cool. I do not have good feelings about the future of this child. I wish you luck, and I hope you have a few more seeds around.
I do have more and hopefully wont screw it up next time. I am using distilled water with the PH mentioned above which I was told is in the range it needs to be. I also soaked the rockwool overnight before using to adjust PH. How close should the lights be?
The rock wool looks dry! Never let it dry out! Just use regular tap water it already has a 7pH. At this point you should add a nutrient solution of around 7.4.11 at 500 ppm to get it started. Also make sure you have a 70% humidity level during vegetation. If you want to slow the growing and work on the roots system bring the humidity to 90%
At least 4'' inches I think you fed the plant a nutrient with to much nitrogen and it also stretched!
Haven't used any nutes to this point, I did have the light quite a bit higher which explains the stretchering. I've been watering every 3rd day...is that to much? Usually wait until the cube feels pretty light then water until I get a small amount of runoff.