I recently just moved to MI to participate in the Medical Marijuana movement and to start my career as a medical marijuana farmer or 'care-giver', as the Michigan Medical Marihuana act of 2008 calls it. I am currently working on my first crop! I have read quite a bit off this forum and out of several books but I am very much still learning the art of growing good Marijuana; I want to be sure of my problems before i begin treating them. If anyone with more experience can help me diagnose i would greatly appreciate it and, you may be the reason my first crop survives. first, i wanna let grasscity know a little about my set up, which is still very incomplete; perhaps i can get a few suggestions. I am running a 600W HPS light, growing both White Widow and AK-47 in Fox Farm jump start Organic soil; watering daily with Fox Farm 'Grow Big' fertilizer (one cap full/gallon PH 5.0-6.0). The Hps is running 24/7 at this moment, as I am keeping it on my mothers, and simply moving my flowering plants in/out of the room every 12 hours. If any other information is required to help diagnose my problems, i will be more than happy to share that info on this post. This is a picture of one of my newest leaves from my white widow mother. This is the problem i have least information about. This problem is also on the white widow mother, perhaps related to the previous problem i showed. I am definitely seeing this on the leaves closer to the hps. These photos were taking under the HPS light so it is hard to see the color of this problem. the best way I can describe the color is 'rusty'. There is no specific, notable pattern in which this issue appears. This is on the AK-47 and very much becoming a problem especially on my ak-47 mother. I have cut off several leaves with these characteristic only to end up having to cut more just a few days later. I'm thinking this is either Ph-lock, calcium, magnesium, or phosphorous deficient. I have notice that the leaves that show this problem have red stems. Thats all i have for now. Thank you in advance to grasscity community for your expertise.
ok... first, get a timer, and a tsp & Tbls set so properly measure ur food dose, and if u can a TDS meter. second, for soil dial in ur pH, 6.0-7.0 but i would shoot for 6.3-6.8... third, retardation due environmental, and hormonal stress. leaves curling/ folding is magnesium deficiency, also looks like u have soft edges, due to under feeding, and the spotting, and necrosis, looks like phophosurs defi. and the weird looking leaf margins is a pH issues good luck i hope u get this resolved
Great! thank you for your help. i was suspicious of both magnesium and phosphorous deficiency but i didnt want to overeact nor undereact to the problems. Luckily, i have a magnesium supplement laying around the house somewhere so i will be leeching tonight and will soon begin feeding them magnesium; I will post back in a few days to let ya know if i see any changes =D Once again, thank you for your help and pointing me in the right direction; I am certainly a newb but hoping to make this work into a career so i can use all the help i can get.
i'm goin to guess Your over feeding and a ph lockout. You cannot feed every time with nutes. plus after mixing whatever your feeding even plain H20 you have to adjust your ph to 6.5 before application. yea, no one told me that either so don't feel bad. try feeding nute every third watering.... your plants will love ya for it Look at this chart and see how fast shit gets out of whack when your ph is off http://forum.grasscity.com/sick-pla...ew-hydro-setup-weird-problem.html#post6498573
lol... my first grow i was 14, in my closet and my mom was pissed, i didnt pH adjust the water, but it was R.O and i didnt know how to flower, so i asked a friend, he sayd "the buds come out of here (pointed to the nodes), if u cut the leaves off they should produce good buds" so he cut the leaves off, and a few days later the stems where he pruned were dead and virtical growth took off... i never flowered them, and my mom killed them after 3 months
Jane, I'll try to one up ya. My first grow was in my first apartment, I put a seed in a dixie cup under a 75 watt incandescant lamp. that plant got up to 2 feet tall with about 4 leaves on it. With just dirt & water, no nutes.
thanks. Overfeeding would make sense; I bought the clones already rooted in mid December and the foliar growth they have had since has been pretty extreme - way bigger than i expected. The PH of the water mixed with the nutrients is between 6.0-6.5 however the water that drains out of the pot is between 5.0-6.0. do i have to correct this and bring the soil to 6.5, also? as far as the mutant leaves go, environmental stress would also make sense because it is primarily found on my white widow mother which has been pretty sensitive to the HPS light intensity since day 1. My plants on a 12/12 light cycle seem pretty healthy so im going to start keeping the door to my grow room open to better manage the heat and i also plan to put the mothers on 18 hours of light instead of 24. I have already been leeching my soil for the past few days in preparation to take clones (thanks to this forum i know i was cloning completely wrong before) so, hopefully the deficiencies will begin to clear up soon. Thanks again, everyone for your help; and no, i dont live in or near a nuclear power plant but i do live in Detroit...lol, maybe detroit is what causes my mutated leaves?
when i was a kid, like 16 or something terribly young and idiotic like that, i threw a seed i got from a bag of cheap dirt weed in a ceramic coffee mug filled with potting soil. I put the dirt filled mug in my dresser drawer and about a week later the thing had sprouted and was struglling to get light. i raised it on my window sil until one day my friend said, "you gotta give it nutrients". so, i watered it with Mircale grow concentrate...not mixed with any water at all- straight miracle grow.. and of course it fried the poor thing to death.. oh well, it was mid-grade dirt and probably male anyway.
WW is supposed to be this super plant that can under take a bunch of shit, this is y its one of the most popular strain in the world... but my ww is finicky too she goes deficient at a drop of a hat and is prone to stress... when ur seedling sprouted was it all yellowish due to lack of light? i love hearing about first grows