Need help with design?

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by ChrisPaul, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Okay so I have one of these. I think it may be a bit wider but I was wondering what to design it as and what to grow in it. I was thinking hang some lights up from the top and put some fans up here too. Maybe put like 6(?) plants on the bottom? Any ideas would be awesome. [​IMG]
  2. 6 plan is border line in that. you want 6 very short veg time so. maybe 5 days veg max then straight to 12/12 or you will have a bit of problem keeping space in there.

    or you can grow 1 big plan in 5 gal and top her 2 times you will get more buds like that.
    top at short time caus you dont want too big in that .

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