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Need help with bud quality and quanity.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by granadethrow, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. #1 granadethrow, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
    so im not very good at telling quality and quanity, and i always end up getting ripped off. So can a few of you post some pics and say what quality it is? Also can u help me with quanity by posting pics of grams, eigths, quarts, halfs, ounces, and qp's and say what bag it is in (preferably a ziplock sandwhich bag)

    Thanks :)

    Edit: i got a "quarter" of bricked low mids/shwag that is very dense, like it got ran over by a truck or something. It fills out about an inch of the bottom of a sandwhich ziplock bag when held in the air by the seal. Does that sound about right?
  2. search button man
  3. Lol you guys are dicks. You can't just show him some pics? He's obviously misguided. Everyone on grass city acts like trikky now, just an obsessive compulsive nazi.

    pic is some dank OP

    Attached Files:

  4. thanks man

    to the rest of you that is a quality guide, there is one picture of quantity which doesn't help at ALL.
  5. sorry OP pic is about 2.5 grams, should cost about 45 dollars
  6. ounce of some massachusetts dank

  7. for quality you could have looked at the other posts maby? or google.... quantity cant be judged becaues it could be compressed and dense or loose, which would look like alot more. Get a scale.
  8. For the ''most'' part, if it's fluffy as hell and shines in the light, you've got dank. If it sounds like paper when you're breaking it up, it's extremely compact, and there's a large seed count, you've got regs/mids. Before I moved from northern wisconsin, I thought getting a quarter of green that only had 10 seeds in it was some top-notch shit, now I can't even find seeds in the green I have access to.

    Determining weight comes with experience really, until you've been smoking for awhile, you're not going to have a basis to compare anything to. For the most part, I can look at a bag nowadays and be able to guess pretty close. My friend's parents caught him selling, he only had a quarter left... and they asked him, ''IS THIS A POUND?!''

  9. Thats because weight is impossible to tell by a picture.

    And again a simple search would have yielded many, many results.

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