Need help with Advanced nute.(sensiBloom)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by breakbeatjunkie, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. hi i am wondering how to mix my sensi bloom A +B.what are the measurements per liter? they have them on the jug. but i was told that they are for hydroponic systems. iwill be growing in soilless mix.also how often should i feed? maybe every other watering. thanks for the help guys
  2. I am currently using the same product, and I have been using this chart.

    I feed my plants nutrients once a week, and will give them a little bit of plain water every day! Some people will give the plant nutrients one day and then will water with plain water everyother day, but I like to give them a little water everyday as my plants seem to dry up fast, or atlest the soil on top does!
  3. thanks for the reply. but how many ml/ per liter should i mix? and also when i mix my nutes should i let the solution sit over night so the nutes can dissolve ?
  4. I would start at 1.5ml per litre, and for the second week I would go 2ml per litre, I would stay with the 2ml per litre for 7 weeks, and then go back to the 1.5ml for the 8-9 week.

    Using that chart from that link will explain all that!

    sensi bloom A +B is liquid? So just adding it into the water is good, usually you would let the plain water sit to let some of the clorine evapurate.
  5. thanks again for the reply, yes i am using the liquid S.bloom. and also i am using R/O water. i am thinking of using the nutes every other watering.
  6. the chart is helpfull. but it doest specify the bloom A B.or is that the same? it just says bloom. i am new to AN, i was using DNF. im now staying with AN.thanks for your help:) also is that chart for both soilless and hydro?

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