Need help with a watering set up for coco

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by guygreenthumbs, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. Hello,
    I use 8, 3 gallon smart pots in a 50/50 coco mix with drain to waste. I have a 32 gallon garbage container for my res and 8x4 flood table right next to eachother.. Can you guys help me design a watering system to get water from my res to each pot? Ideally I want to have it so I can have it automatically water itself 2-4 times a day so all I have to do is fill it. What I've been doing for now is using small pond pumps running 1/2" tube to halo watering rings on each pot. Each pump requires a ball valve so after they're done pumping they don't drain the rest of the ress. If anyone could help me come up with some ideas I'd greatly appreciate it.

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