Need help with a seed order!!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Zerocool480, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. See i ordered from Amsterdam marijuana or whatever and i ordered them on the 22nd of december and obviously its almost the 12th and im still without any seeds so it makes me wonder whats going on.....I try to take in to account the fact that i did just order them before christmas so i gave a few extra days into account but i still feel as if its been too long which is why i ask the likely hood they were intercepted or is it MORE likely they were lost OR am i just overacting and they are probably just taking a little bit longer than normal.Cuz when i hear people say they ordered they always say yeah took 7 days, took 10 days, always these low numbers compared to what i am curently dealing with haha.
  2. in my opinion, the seed co probably lost track of your order in the holiday. Theyre legit though email them and send them your order number and stuff tell them whats up. theyll probably say sorry, send you your stuff, and MAYBE throw you a fat discount code or a few free beans just depends. Either way thats where id start. Email them and see if they ever sent out the seeds. If they did, then they probably got snagged by customs. either way let us now how AMS handles it.
  3. I did email them and they told me if I don't recieve them by Saturday that I should email them again at that time. So what do you think, you think they got nabbed by custums in this case?
  4. give it another week tops.. if you havent gotten it by then, go with a more reputable seed bank like attitude, and have it shipped to a different location.. if by chance it was actually nabbed (likely not though.. more likely it wasn't in stock when you ordered, and shipped late). Also if you don't receive it, chargeback the credit card for that order.
  5. If customs got em you woulda got a letter sent to you.
  6. Yep, nothing against those guys, but Attitude has succesfully delivered to my place 3 times, they always throw in some sort of freebies, and good, discreet packaging. I would never give any place else my money, Attitude has my trust.
  7. Agree with going with Attitude. Never failed me.

    Peace. Please.
  8. Getting started is so hard man all I hear is like you know back and forth things about everything you know. Like what seed banks are good then you hear like horror stories from other people about said banks then you get people that are almost spamming about a seed bank as if they worked for them so i can't tell in general. I DID actually order from 3 different banks tho just to see what happens with each. One was obviously the aboved mentioned one, Then attitude, and finally nirvana gypsy or just gypsy to put it in more ur terms.haha Do you think all three of these are decent choices or mixed or anything.I would value the advice any advice for that matter is greatly appreciated truly. Thank you all for your current and hopefully future help.
  9. Thank you for not discussing any details of the stealth packaging. We should always assume that Customs and LEO are also reading this forum, and the last thing we want to do it tell them what to look for. Rest assured that the outside of the package or envelope is not marked "ILLEGAL MARIJUANA INSIDE", it is designed to look vaguely like something else and blend in with all the other mail.

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