Need help with a friend

Discussion in 'General' started by Rashid, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. I have this friend that i've known for about 3 years now. He's a real cool guy and all, it's just that sometimes he can be very socially awkward and naive. Not to the point of being braindead, but he just doesn't know a lot of things that are common knowledge.

    For example, when we were at a party he called my other friend's car "a Ferrari" when it was a Corvette, he'll fail to differentiate between weed and something like crack, the only shows he talks about are cartoons etc. which in turn led to someone telling me he was an idiot, which was pretty embarassing.

    Not only that but he has the habit of speaking in the same way as a 12-year old (he's 19 btw), including yelping loudly at random intervals. He's not gay but he says he isn't really attracted to women, which is pretty odd considering his age. I really want to help him because I don't want other people to think he's some sort of manchild. At the same time, i'm kind of hoping he'll just mature on his own and that he's just hitting puberty late or something. I'm really puzzled on what I should do.
  2. Get his ass to smoke. Who knows, maybe it will calm him down. Plus, it gets you horny so if he's high and he's still not attracted to women then you know for sure that he's a butt-pirate.
  3. I know you mean well but how about letting him grow into himself.
    Out there somewhere is a woman who'll love him for himself and outside of children everything else in life is secondary. At least that's this hetro's opinion:D
  4. Sounds like one friend I had who didn't decide to "grow up" until mid highschool.

    This seems much more extreme though. Your friend seems to have all the tendencies of a 12 year old boy, and I worry that if by this point he hasn't grown up that he might not ever fully develop.

    There are lots of people who end up like this, actually, most of them end up working at Gamestop or being clowns at kids birthdays. Sorry, good luck with your friend.
  5. I tried one time, but he says the smell of weed gives him a headache :confused:

    And I don't think he's a butt-pirate. Just one of those people who aren't really sexual maybe.
  6. Lol... There's just no helping some people.

    If this is what he's currently like, I don't see what you could possibly do to change him.

  7. It used to give me a headache before I started smoking.
    Now it gives me a warm tingly feeling aha:smoke:
    Just wait for him to mature, he most likely will. Tell him that he'll never bone if he acts like a kid forever.
  8. If he is happy with who he is, what he knows, and how he acts. Who the fuck is anyone to "help" him.
  9. Well the thing is, I don't think he is very happy. I'm one of his few friends, and most other people treat him like crap. He's always telling me how people are blowing him off because they think he's annoying. He's a nice guy, but he just doesn't know how to interact with people. Am I a condescending jerk for wanting to change that?
  10. Sounds like he might have mild Aspergers or one of the other Autism Spectrum Disorders, what with the yelping at random intervals and stuff like that.

    Just let him be his own man. Fuck what everybody else thinks. If he does have a mild form of autism, nothing you do is going to change him.
  11. this is so sad

  12. No, you're a good friend for wanting the best for him. You sound like a really good friend to have actually.

  13. This.

    Just that you care enough to even recognize he is embarrassing himself is good. Good luck with your friend, although I truly don't have any idea what to do in this situation.
  14. Thanks. I just want him to enjoy his life and not be afraid of making new friends. Maybe i'll try talking to him about it and see how he feels.
  15. I mean, I know im missing a lot of the backstory...

    But what about his parents etc. has he been tested for autism?

    I Don't think you can just tell him to mature one day and he'll do it, it sounds like a serious neurological condition.
  16. I don't think it's so severe as autism. I'm betting it's just delayed puberty. He told me he's never masterbated before in his life, so there's a big hint.

  17. Never masturbated in his life? I think there's more problems than just delayed puberty...
  18. I've got a 29yr old friend like this, I actually enjoy his company. Dude has like literally smoked himself retarded
  19. Your friend is slow, it sounds like he has a learning disability.
    If you really do consider this person your friend then act like one.
    Stick up for him regardless of what people think, if you do this he will be lucky to have you as a friend.
    If you can enjoy this persons company when you hang out with him solo then there is no excuse for not keeping an eye out for someone who can't do it themselves.
    Just my two cents.

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