Hi peeps. I decided to finally try my hand at hydro so i built a bubble cloner which worked out great. Only problem is i let the roots get way to long and now cant figure out how to insert me rooted plants into my 3 inch net pots. Should i put them in root first since the roots are so long? Or should i put some hydroton down first then the roots and just fill the sides up with hydroton to keep the plant steady? Roots are close to a foot long. So yea im pretty confused about this. Thanks for the help.
They'll worm their way out no matter what you do, but I always tried to poke a little bit out of the bottom of the net pot and then I would just kind of cup my hand around the bunched up roots while I gently scooped handfuls of hydroton in. As long as your gentle with them, no matter how you settle them in, they'll be fine. Those roots will be searching for the res and will quickly pop out.