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Need Help Staying Motivated? Tips? Tricks?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by RustyG35, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. Hey blades,

    Just curious, if anybody else has problems at times staying motivated and focused on a current goal, or just to through the day in general?

    What do you do to power through it? What adjustments do you try and make?

    Do you set yourself rewards for yourself at set intervals?

    Myself, for example. Every night I'll go on a 30-40 minute walk, just go around and check out the wilderness, walk the dog, smoke a bowl by the river. Every time I get frustrated at work and/or school I'll just think about how laid back and relaxed I'm gonna be later. Something I'd suggest to anybody who needs a simple "get" away, even if you live in a down town area you'd be surprised at the things you could see just by walking around and exploring.

    So, city share your stories! Who knows, maybe this will evolve into some huge community thread for positivity and support. Or I'm just really high haha :smoke:

    I guess the focus of this thread is for everybody to submit their tips, tricks, stories or advice for anybody that might feel like the world is beating them up at times.
  2. Smoke more bud :smoke:
  3. Goal 1: stay alive
    goal 2: lol to drunk to do this. staying alive and having fun is number 1 though! :cool:

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