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Need help sleeping sober? look here

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by kamikazikillah, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. I smoke everyday. When i dont have weed i find it very hard to fall asleep sober.
    If anyone else feels the same then look no furthur.

    a while ago somebodyon here sugessted taking valarian root before bed. let me just say that i just got through a week without smoking whatsoever (a big accomplishment for me)

    i was able to sleep at 11pm where before i was going to bed at 3 or 4am

    i also wake uprested and have cool dreams.

    i got it at wal mart and it was only 3.50

    has anybody else tried this?
  2. Im gonna try it now, im not trying to stop smoking before i sleep but i want something to make me tired.
  3. Yea, my dad has that stuff, I've been taking it occasionally for years, its good stuff. Makes you fall asleep good and easy. Hooray nature. Fuck big pharma.
  4. tylenol pm rapid release
  5. #5 bud-tastic, Aug 10, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2008

    you're welcome. :)

    EDIT: I got this from Fight Club. Norton's doctor reccomended it for insomnia. Great movie...
  6. I may have to look into this. Thanks. +rep
  7. Used diphenhydramine for a couple months as sleep aid. It knocks you out, but the zombie hangover in the morning isn't worth it. Plus a tolerance is developed from daily use.
  8. EDIT: I got this from Fight Club. Norton's doctor reccomended it for insomnia. Great movie...[/QUOTE]

    exactly man whenever i hear the word valarian root(which isnt very often lol) i think of fight club...

    amazing movie and book too....

    i gotta check that stuff out..
  9. I have the same problem...
  10. or you can go natural, workout till your super tired then sleep
  11. im in that same boat...i might have to try this...i keep waking up in the middle of the high doesnt last as long and keep me asleep
  12. if that doesnt work when i was on my tbreak i picked up something called melatonin it was pretty good i had no complaints
  13. yeah i dont want to trade one addiction for another using sleeping pills.

    it fucking awesome that its natural.

    i was reading the ingreedients and it said

    gelation capsule
    valarian root

    thats it.

    It works well and isnt the government will probly make it
  14. Melatonin from GNC works well and I have had success with Valerian Root as well. I make a tea with Skullcap, St. Johns Wart, Lemon Grass (for flavor), Valerian Root, and Chamomile and it works like a charm. I drink a cup an hour before bed and another 15 minutes before and am almost always able to fall asleep right away and last the night.
  15. so they have this at wal mart or any kroger kind of store?
  16. I just want to comment that Fight Club is the sickest movie ever.
  17. Pychobenzaprine.

    Nuff said
  18. Has anyone smoked a bowl of exotic dro and then enjoy the high for 2 hours before bed and then take valerian root? (while they are NOT peaking on the high of dro,but still high)

    because when i go to sleep i have to smoke 1st and then enjoy the peak of the high (usualy 2 hours and then i can fall alseep, but sometimes i cant and i have to wait longer)

    another question is, if you smoke dro and then take it 2 hours later, will that valerian root fuck you up so dirty and make you feel like shit in the morning?

    can you smoke weed and take valerian root?

  19. first of all I would reccomend an over the counter sleep aid like unisom.

    seecond of all i forgot
  20. nukka this is a much more natural do you desire?

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