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Need help sexing

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by justace, Oct 7, 2007.

  1. I'm fairly confident but this is my first time so I want to double check. This is a male right?

    Attached Files:

  2. Yes. Very.

    Welcome to the city.
  3. looks like a hermie to me. make hash outa it! ;)
  4. If it is a hermie can I make hash out of it as it is right now? I can't leave it with the rest of my babies so I'm at a loss of what to do besides killing it. Any other votes for a hermie?
  5. ya know i cant even tell if its a hermie... i can say for certain theres nuts on that bad boy... but i dont know if i even see any female parts on it... kill it if you have girls in there..... just one pair of bananas comes out and if u got a fan on your plants your gonna have halla beans.... kill it now and smash it in a garbage bag or burn it but get it out
  6. Straight up male.

    If it's from a good strain, you COULD collect the pollen. Then you have more seeds to try again and get some females...

    Just a thought.

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