Need help please ?

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by loverbudda, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Bob has a micro fridge grow, about 1 1/2 foot tall he has

    - 2 HPS Lights
    - Cooling system
    - Air fan
    - Exhaust Fan (He hasn't sorted out odor control yet)
    - 2 pots with soil
    - thermometer

    Anything he is doing right or wrong how can he improve/ will it work?/any more ideas for bob?

    bob in cali [​IMG]
  2. Bob, you should get something to test pH and maybe keep the frigde rack in there (if it has one) to work like screen of green.

    Any pics? I would love to learn how to turn my minifridge into a micro.
  3. bob might make a tutorial for you and everybody :D :hello::hello:
  4. I plan on doing the same, but wont those lights make it too hot?
  5. I recommend:
    -humidity gauge
    -intake (unless thats part of the cooling sys.)

    also i agree with above posted about"wouldnt it get too hot?" I would think it would as well. you would need one hell of a cooling sys.

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