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Need help please :]

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zeb0, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I bought one of those collapsable pocket bongs online and it finally arrived today, i opened it up all excited and inside there was no bowl piece..

    Idk if anyone has seen them or not, but im trying to find a cheap alternative for a bowl.

    either a DIY or if you think a small bowl piece would with it.

    Heres a video of it.
    [ame=]YouTube - The PocketBong[/ame]
  2. Wrench socket, coax cable connecter thingy (the gold tip), just anything metal that you can get in there. Can use a pen tube as the downstem and fix the bowl ontop of it. Aslong as the bowl is metal and you arn't inhaling any burning plastic you'll be good.
  3. That thing looks hella cool. Deff take a rip out of that.
  4. what they said, but also call whoever you ordered it from and ask to get the piece sent or for a refund.
    that's some serious bullshizzle right there...
  5. where did you get that thing?!?!?! i really want much did it cost? just go buy yourself a bowl for 10 bucks...
  6. this would be great for backpacking
  7. damn, that dude jus scraped the bud he dropped right off the table...

    but otherwise that looks sick

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