Need help maintaining my multi-chambered bong

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Zacharoni, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. The attached image is of my new(ish), beautiful baby.

    It rips but I am having a hard time maintaining it. Over time, there is starting to be some build up in the small areas of the two chambers, which is making it increasingly hard to clear because the smoke flow is so restricted.

    Any advice on how to keep it flowing nicely? It is very, very hard to put any sort of liquid through it.

    Attached Files:

  2. #2 mr_waterpipe, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    What u need is some isopropyl alcohol and table salt. Check the "official piece cleaning
    Guide" thread about maintaining your bong it will tell all u need to know.

    Cool looking tube btw who made it?

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