need help losing weight

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Ganja04Twenty, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. I know the basics about exercise cardiovascular and a that jazz.
    But I'm looking for help in particular for a diet. I have just started a subscription to the gym because I want to get fit, I weigh 200 pounds and I'm 5 11.
    I'm basically asking you guys what diet or lifestyle choice as some people say would help me loose weight?
  2. Your BMI is roughly 28, which means you aren't significantly overweight, depending on your lean mass you could probably lose 35-50lbs.

    Losing weight starts in the kitchen, not in the gym. It's easier to consume too many calories, and much harder to burn them. Start monitoring calories and carbs. You NEED carbs so don't be one of those people who focus solely on cutting carbs. Counting calories is one of the most consistently successful methods of losing weight.

    That being said, supplementing your proper eating habits with exercise is a great idea. Mixing cardio with strength training is a good idea, it has proven to be more effective than cardio alone.

    Don't resort to crash or fad diets. Consume about a gallon of water per day. Contrary to popular belief, drinking water will help you LOSE water weight, not gain water weight. Also, drinking a proper amount of water will help your liver and kidneys function more efficiently. Stop drinking pop and consuming empty calories. I hate drinking my calories, it's such a waste.
  3. #3 RooRgle, Jul 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2012
    I am a strong believer in counting calories. When I'm cutting weight I typically only consume anywhere from 1200-1800 calories a day, at 220lbs 6'4". I take in a lot of proteins, whey, tons of chicken, stay away from red meats when I cut weight. I work part time and go to school full time, so running every single day is not an option. I try to get 3 runs in during a week, as well as low weight high rep weight lifting. If you follow something similar than you are bound to lose weight, it only takes a 3500 calories to lose have to factor in all the calories burned in a day, theres calculators all over the net where you can plug in your info and it will tell you how many calories you burn in a day, or how many lbs you lose in a month when you plug in the calories lost in a day and how many you consume in a day, its all just a general guide but it can be helpful. I also take supplements, I like CLA 2 pills twice a day, Omega-3 1 pill twice a day, amino acids 3x pills twice a day, and a multivitamin once a day. CLA has been shown to effectively burn fat while adding muscle mass (it helps to workout but the study I read was people who ate however they normally ate, they still lost 2 lbs and gained 4lbs of muscle or something crazy with no real diet or exercise), omega 3 is found in salmon and some oats but taking the pill is much easier the benefits from omega 3 are endless I have found and more and more studies are showing more and more benefits to omega 3, and amino acids are just essential for the body, help break down protein more effectively.

    Well hope that helped, sorry I just wrote like 1 paragraph, I'm high.
  4. "You can't out exercise a bad diet." It starts with lifestyle. Diets are temporary. Make good eating habits and portion control your focus and layer on with exercise and make an effort to move and be more active. I know, easier said than done. Believe me, I know.

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