Hello I'm a newbee grower. Just a simple closet grow. 24hr light. And I just FIM Her (fingers crossed) My plant has some discolored on the leaves. Some on the tip and edges. Then I saw some maybe off-white on the edges on the leaves and also a few dark spots.
Most common mistake is overwatering your plants looks pretty healthy but a little droopy maybe water a bit less? I had this same problem with my first ever grow I thought the situation was something serious like a nute deficiency when it turns out all I did was over water Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Oh an maybe try 18/6 light cycle even if its an auto flower if you think about it everything needs rest even a plant,kinda how we need sleep to stay strong and healthy Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Thanks for replying. Awesome I'm already skiping a day of watering maybe I'll do skip 2 days till she gets a little bigger and needs it. And I've been wandering about the 24hr light so I think I will change it to 18/6
Cannabis is a c3 plant and does not need a rest period. Weed needing a rest period is a myth that's been debunked over and over. Autos yield better on 24/0. Veg time is reduced for photos on 24/0 I always get a kick out of people comparing cannabis to humans. Do you turn hermaphrodite when stressed? When are you going to flip yourself to flower?
Keep it on 24/0 cannabis does not need a rest period nor will in benifit from one. The only time you need to turn off the lights is to flower a photoperiod
Thanks I haven't been able to get a timer yet so I won't the switch the light till then so she's staying on 24 for now. It took me a good week to work up the nerve to FIM her lol. And yes it seams Humans when stressed to turn Hermy on us. That was a joke and I love all people
I think when you let em rest their roots grow bigger,bigger roots bigger fruits but I guess it’s all up to the growers opinion and the plant itself Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
The only known scientific benefit to 18/6 over 24/0 is less stress to the plant when changing to 12/12. For this reason alone, I run 18/6.
No it's not up to the growers opinions. Cannabis has already been grouped into the category of c3 plants by well educated horticulturists way smarter then the average closet grower. Cannabis needing a "rest" is old out dated stoner info that's already been debunked over and over I do agree with one thing though. Bigger roots do mean bigger fruits. That's why I grow in large containers. Has nothing to do with my light schedule though. I've grown with many different light schedules. 24/0 with autos always yields more. With photos on 24/0 always shortens the veg time needed to fill a certain space. Containers were always completely full of toots regardless of the light schedule
Thanks for all the advice. Like I said this is my first ever plant. I hope it's a female. I tried to get a female seed but they won't deliver to TN. And yes everyone has there own way of growing with lights. I was worried it was maybe getting to much but if you look at the leaf pics the white on the edges and a few dark spots that's what I was asking about. And as far as watering goes I took that pic after I fed and watered it the night before so she is not as droopy today I'll probably wait till tomorrow or the next to water it again thanks and any advice is welcome.
24hrs of light just doesn't feel 'natural'...it doesn't get 24hrs of light in its natural habitat, I think 18/6 is the way to go - as Mother Nature intended, but thats just my two cents
So thanks I did research what medium ment that day. It's not fertilized soil iits made of pine fines hardwood fines and perlite. I also quit watering it as much and I have not feed it since. Kinda scared to. The tips on the bottom are burnt a little but not the top
Yeah I do believe my issue is over watering or the ph I'll look into that. the bottom looks drooped down but all the top growth looks great with only a few leave tips are brown. And there not curling. But I'm gonna put a few more holes in the pot and not water as much and check oh asap
So if my ph is fine going in. Do I check the run off to test the soil right. And I spent all day with her I believe it's a little over watering and under feeding I have a few bottom leaves dying. I'm going to get proper feed tomorrow. Is there something you would recommend maybe getting at Walmart since that's the only thing by me