Need Help Identifying Problem or May Lose Plant

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by the3rdman, Dec 10, 2023.

  1. #1 the3rdman, Dec 10, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
    This is a Black Domina, growing organic, in Happy Frog + Super-soil, in week 6 of flower cycle. I had a heater near the plant and it may have been catching too much indirect hot air. I thought it could be the problem because other plant does not have this issue. On the other hand, may have nothing to do with my problem.

    Guessing the issue may be fungal disease, I bought some Captain Jacks Fungicide and sprayed the plant thoroughly and removed most of the affected leaves. The picture shows the plant 2 days later after treatment.

    So, I am at a complete loss and may lose the plant if unable to diagnose and resolve.

    I tried to upload more pictures but get load error messages. The photo is from my iphone.

  2. Could this be Tobacco Mosaic Virus?
  3. check for mites?
  4. No mites.
  5. [​IMG]
    I see leaf Septoria : Yellow Leaf Spot (Leaf Septoria) & Cannabis - Get Rid of It Quickly!
    These fungus spores may stay in the soil over the winter, and attack your plants in the summer. Spores are also easily spread by wind and rain.

    • Immediately (and carefully) remove all affected leaves to get rid of as many spores as possible.
    • Prune any leafy parts of the plant to improve circulation through the plant
    • Avoid getting water on the leaves or laying on top of each other – you want to avoid moisture
    • Make sure to keep the ground under your plant clean. Rake away all leaves and vegetation. Adding mulch can also help prevent spores from spreading.
    • Keep plants healthy, sicks plants are much more susceptible to leaf septoria than healthy plants
    • One way to help prevent this fungus from attacking your plants is to rotate crop sites or move to a new location every year.
    • A copper based fungicide or Biofungicide may be effective at stopping the fungus from spreading though they are best used as a preventative.
    • Depending on exactly what’s causing your leaf spot, Neem Oil may be used to help combat the problem. Neem Oil will leave an unpleasant taste/smell on buds when used to treat flowering plants, so don’t let this stuff get near your buds! You will need a mister (also called a “One-Hand Pressure Sprayer”) to spray all the leaves evenly, since neem oil and water can separate easily. Try spraying just a small part of the plant and see how it reacts first before spraying the whole thing.
    good luck

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