My best plant is sick, I have several home built systems, all in 5 gal. containers, have been having great luck until now. About 4 weeks in veg. ppm was at 600 this morning, ph is usually set at 5.5 because it goes up daily. Left for work this morning came home and my best plant was just laying down, gf said it was fine a few hours prior. I just made this new system yesterday and replanted into it, areoponics, with 6 sprayers, top feed with constant flow from 4 small drippers that stream. Any help would be great. Oh by the way my PH was way high when I got home, must not have waited long enough to mix this morning.
I have been running everything 24 hours, my first 2 were just 10 sprayers in a bucket, my 3rd I added a top drip with constant flow, and they were great, so I figured why not add 3 more top feeds, she was loving it for the first day, now not so much, I my ph was at 7.8 I think I was so freaked out when I saw it I just started bringing it back down right away and actually forgot what it was. I have turned off three of the four top feeders and my sprayers I cannot turn off, I could turn off all four, would I be better off top have them on a timer.
Its much worse today, put pump on a timer ph is 5.6, maybe she'll pull through? Can I get some advice from someone, is there hope, or scrap her?
There certainly is still hope so don't give up. While it isn't standing up, the leaves don't look that bad. What you're seeing is most common with overwatering and high temps. Because the leaves don't look bad, I'd lean towards overwatering.
ph should be 5.8- 6.0 its to low.... how far under the net pot is the water level and do you have nutes in the water and bubbles??? pour water from the top now... my guess would be ur water level is to low and she dried out aero hey..just read above... what do the roots look like??