hi everyone i need help getting seeds so if anyone can help please let me know. i know you can buy them online but i would rather not. please help thanks
It's either get some from a friend, Bagseed (Seeds that come in bags of weed you buy) internet, Or get a clone from a friend.
alright thanks, i just have parents you know so it would be hard to order them and to grow inside so i think my only option would be to get em from bagseed and grow outdoors.
Don't grow in your parents' house. First, you WILL get caught. There are too many strange smells, noises, activities, and space requirements with growing MJ properly for you to get away with it in your parents' house. Second, it is completely disrespectful and unfair to do so. You actually could be putting your parents at huge risk -- risk that they did not assume themselves and did not even know has been thrust upon them. In some jurisdictions if you get busted then your parents' house can be sold at sheriff's auction to help pay for your prosecution. And yes, I know, you won't get busted so nothing to worry about. Famous last words of everyone who has ever been busted in the history of time. Besides that you will need to steal electricity from your parents. And, trying to grow in your parent's house usually means trying to hide it in an unsafe way such as growing in a small, contained, and flammable space that can result in you burning your parents' house down. You need to wait until you have your own, secure place to grow MJ.
i dont know man i know alot of parents and cops that dont know the smell of mj i would try to include you parents in on it. say like you could be making 5000 dollars every 4 months. [Against the rules to talk about selling. -FW]
You do realize the parents of today were the pot-smoking hippies of the 60's right? And cops don't know what MJ smells like? Riiiiiight... What parent is going to risk his/her house for a lousy $15,000 per year? PS - you can't talk about selling on this forum.
i dont care what you guys think about my advice. and i dont care about your short sided view or morality. same kind of shit i got to deal with when im dealing with the other side of my family. quote from my dad a life long tobacco smoker. and yeah all the parents back in the states where i used to live...none of them knew what mj smelled like...you know the churchy kind. come to spain and its a completely different story. and if you guys want to get nit picky like you are ...moderators sending me a warning for expressing my view on a MJ BOARD. then lets look a what i said. i dont know man i know alot of parents and cops that dont know the smell of mj seperate paragraph i would try to include you parents in on it. say like you could be making 5000 dollars every 4 months. i didnt specify what i was talking about in this paragraph and therefore shouldnt be taken as marijuana. so to clarify i was talking about truffle farming for italian restaurants. i now live in europe and i do grow MJ with my mother and theres nothing imoral about it. and the moderators should know better in my opinion then to punish people with a valid opinion.
You confuse immorality with disrespect and exploitation. No one around here thinks that growing mj is immoral - far from it. And everyone knows what you meant by suggesting to include the OP's parents on "it". "It" is selling mj, not truffles. Since we can't assume that the OP is living in Spain with his pot-tolerant mother, we assume the worst which is that he is in a jurisdiction that could seize and auction his parents' property should he get caught. The OP or anyone else living with their parents should understand and respect that fact. And speaking as a parent of two college kids, I can say that I'm pretty confident that if they tried to grow mj in my house when they were living here, I would have found out about it. Most parents my age know what mj looks and smells like. I'm divorced and my kids are gone so when I grow in my house, I alone take the responsibility and suffer the consequences of my actions, no one else in my family.
very well put. I agree 100%. In my own op, i take all the responsibility and would never aimlessly throw that responsibility on friends or family. platinum, you are out of line. Regardless of where you live i would imagine that selling an untaxed product is still a crime and you should respect this board in following the guidelines set by the owner(s) of this site. You are in their house and they forbid you of talking about such things. Just because you don't want to follow the rules, you get to decide their importance?
ouch, don't fuck with GC kids, they know exactly what they're talkin about. everything has been well said: don't grow in your parent's house!
Parents house or living with roomates heres the rules of growing. If whomever youre living with doesnt know about it, or isnt ok with it, DONT DO IT. Nuff said. Not because its rude, but because the person youre living with has the chance at losing their property, and if there are kids in the house, you could lose them as well. Know the risks of growing BEFORE you attempt it. Dont rush blindly into it. Its not smart. Also, it sounds like youre a bit on the young side, so Id recommend waiting till youre on your own to do something like this, or grow offsite. I mean seriously, you dont want your parents to run the risk of losing their house as well as you possibly going to jail, and if you have younger siblings, you dont want them ending up in a foster home till things are figured out do you?
very true, but thats why i stated earlier that i would like to maybe grow outdoors in a spot where no one goes, but i need help on how to do that
Honestly, dont. I mean you could go for a guerrilla grow, but chances are your plants gunna get ripped, or youre not gunna give it the love you need. Just get a job, and wait till youre somewhere you can grow in peace.
very true... i guerrilla grow in the summer and you really need to know half an idea of what your are doing and where your stuff is. If you need to ask these rudimentary questions you probably shouldnt be growing right now.