Need help getting a girl

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by MakinTreesGrow, May 1, 2010.

  1. Ok, there is this girl at my school, I don't know her I have only seen her in the halls and stuff. She is so amazingly gorgeous and cute I would love to get to know her but all i have really said to her is a quick "hey" passing by her in the hall. I don't know anyone that knows her that could sorta help get us together. The problem is I'm kinda bad with girls. I need your guy's and girl's help. Can you think of some really good things to say to her to start up a conversation and really get her attention? I only have 3 weeks left until school is out and i graduate. Any ideas on how to meet her and get to know her? All i'm really looking for is some good lines to say to her that don't sound cheesy or stupid.
  2. totalllly time to throw a party. trust trust trust trust me. throw a party and invite her, it'll give you a reason to talk to you and she'll be down with the fact you're throwing a party. then you talk to her and show her attention when she gets to your party and if its meant to be its meant to be! its fool proof. only hardish part is finding a place to party but you're 18 so you can rent a room for a hotel party if nothing else.
  3. Step 1: Grow a mustache, Tom Selleck style.

    Step 2: Serenade her.

    Step 3: ............Profit?
  4. Hey baby you got something on your lip there..."Oh do I?" Mwa* :p Dude just have confidence. Compliment her....ask her a question...make her laugh.
  5. #5 Zeddy, May 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2010
    Approaching a girl you've never spoken to while she's in transit and has no concrete reason to talk to you is difficult. You can fake mad confidence and approach her, introduce yourself and give some bullshit reason "I thought I recognized you from somethingcamp/class/work" and then when she says it's not her continue the conversation and be self deprecating about it "wow, I really thought that was you... now I'm just disappointed" and hope you get a smile at least then ask where she's walking and offer to walk the rest of the way with her. And talk about real things for the rest of the walk.

    Hope that where ever she says she's going you can relate to also, like a class you've already taken or want to take.

    Also, remember that even if she's hot and gets hit on all the time, there's no reason for her not to appreciate your company if you're sweet.
  6. #6 D_420, May 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2010
    If she's walking: As she passes whistle the Sexy Lady tune while looking at her.
    Or; Stare at her, face! When she looks, wink.
    If she's standing randomly or occupied with something inanimate: Walk up and ask her "how many months? The baby? You look pregnant." Then have a nonplussed facial expression as she replies. Let the conversation flow about babies or some shit after that.
    If she gives you the "You're a freak," look, give it back to her. Then go talk to her friends.
    Note that it will probably be advantageous for you to try randomly befriend one of her friends anyway, it would be actually easier to do that and meet the babe through her since meeting the friend should be easier because she isn't as good looking.
    Right? I am almost certain that made sense.

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