Discussion in 'General' started by mydaddyatemyeye, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Once upon a time my dad, who lives in Las Vegas in slight poverty (I'll come back to this), went for a biopsy because doctor said something was wrong. Turns out he got prostate cancer. He had Permanent brachytherapy done which is basically where they put radiation pellets around the treatment site. The surgery was in December 2011.

    I live in Texas. One of my friends from California happened to visit Vegas for a Godsmack concert in April this year. He's also a dealer, so I had him hook my dad up with an ounce of Grand Daddy Purple and my dad made that bitch last for like six months smoking a bowl a day.

    Let me break this part down for you. In readings for cancer, 0.0 means no cancer and 4.0 means you need to act or your life will be compromised. When he did the surgery, his reading was 5.19. After four months, the same test showed the reading to be 1.10 which is extremely low very fast. His doctor said that's something he's never seen and to expect it to go back up to about 2.75 or 3.75 next time. This is about the time when my dad got the ounce from my friend. In October he had the test done again and this time it was 0.44.

    Now I'm not saying that marijuana probably helped his prostate cancer go away... but it probably helped his prostate cancer go away.

    He started bleeding from the stool recently. He told me this on the 5th of this month and by the time of this post he says it's now happening everyday but it's still PAINLESS. He's getting a colonoscopy done this month.

    My question is if this is the prostate cancer spreading to the colon? Is this possible if the prostate cancer is gone? Or is it possibly hemorrhoids?

    oh and he's out of weed now. :(
  2. I don't know a lot about cancer but I do know a lot of thing's can cause bloody stool and I'd wait till the colonoscopy before you come to any conclusions
  3. He said he's already accepted if it's colon cancer and that that's life. I try to tell him not to be on the negative but I think it's easy for him to say that only because he's already been diagnosed with prostate cancer before (but overcame it).

    This here is just a "well fuck..." kind of situation. But I really hope it's not cancer again.
  4. That's how someone I know found out they had colon cancer. I hope it's not though and wish for the best

  5. It's good he accepts it but it could be so many things so just hold in there expect the worst but hope for the best
  6. prostate cancer will not metastasize to the colon, there is a barrier

    the weed most likely helped

    im 3rd year med
  7. fuckin hope that's true.
  8. If he's taking other meds for the cancer they could be causing problems with his bowels..or if he adopted the stoner diet lol
  9. Why don't you go to a CANCER forum?
    The fuck?
  10. I still have to wait for the colonoscopy regardless, and I'm not gonna sign up for a random forum just to post one thread. I also wouldn't have been able to post about getting him an ounce of GDP without a few people bitching beside the point. so, my bad for assuming there are educated blades here, underahoneymoon.

  11. Ok well you would have a WAY better chance of getting legitimate, knowledgeable answers if you went somewhere where the forum specifically catered to your needs. You could have 100 answers to your questions instead of two or three. And you don't even have to bring up weed. Marijuana is irrelevant to your questions anyways.
  12. fuck. you're right. if a time machine gets invented then i'll take your advice and post the the thread in a cancer forum.

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