need help for rdwc. Cant get nutrients right at all

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by Dimebong, Jan 22, 2014.

    Dude!? From two days!? You are ridiculous. She would have had to make new roots because if the others were getting slime then they were already dead. If the slime is what was in  pic #13 then you're lunching over nothing again. If your roots are white then they are fine.
    Your two problems are unrelated to one another. You started freaking out over nothing and make it something. You're freaking out when you don't see a change in a day or two...? You spend your money on nutrients instead of environmental controls (like 90% of other hobbyists) You're being OCD but in all the wrong areas. I would bet you're simply killing all your roots with all the h2o2 you're adding; probably store bought 3% also which is a nono. Probably adding it straight also, and it's best to be diluted. If your water is clouding out after its fed to the plants then you most likely have too little D/O. If its clouding when you're mixing it then you're mixing it wrong.
    You're making things more difficult for yourself then they need to be. To grow a healthy dwc plant, you absolutely DO NOT need a chiller, some special root formula, or h2o2. All you need is a good environment, clean water, a BALANCED diet, and to let nature take its course.
    I love how you get on here, ask for help, self diagnose, and then self treat. Then you go and just quit? YOU NEVER FAIL AT ANYTHING IN LIFE UNTIL YOU QUIT! So you have officially failed at dwc within the first month of the plants life. No offense, its just the truth.
    I can tell you're young and just starting so if you don't listen to anything I have said (which you really haven't) then at least listen to this; when you grow in soil use a amended mix (one with added nutes) and feed it only water its whole life. Never water more then twice a week, (I bet you still will) Best to water right before the plants droops; you can wait until they droop and water, make note of how long they went and water a day in advance next time, the soil should be completely dry at least 3" down or you're watering too soon. In hydro the number one mistake is over feeding, in soil it's over watering. Good luck with your future grows, Sayonara pal.

  2. #22 Dro Smoe, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    It wasn't cleanliness that was the issue, more so a lack of o2 and proper lighting IMO .. Focus on a pump before you drop anymore seeds into the buckets.. Just keep in mind that soil won't be a cure all so keep an eye..Personally, I would of stuck with the buckets.. Much easier to monitor for signs of improvement or vice versa..
  3. #23 Dimebong, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    Do you get off on being so condescending? I don't care if you want to label me a failure just because i want a break from root rot and hauling 8-9 buckets of water every few days for nothing. I haven't given up on dwc but i don't want to stress over it when i'll have everything i need for it by the time the soil plants are done, provided i don't screw everything up like you say i will, even though there were plants growing perpetually in the closet before this with barely any hiccups.
    I dropped the h202 (35%), Added the bucket of water with a towel and 50ppm synthetic nutes and now i have my first signs and smells of root rot. It's amazing how fast it develops overnight, but no i'm just sitting here with my fingers in my ears aren't i? It takes 3-4 days for the water to cloud up and it will go from clear to cloudy overnight like it's been doing the whole time, not slowly over time, so i tried what you suggested to no avail. The roots were blackening.
  4. Yea. Air pump is definitely on the list. I'll spend extra there. I would stick with the buckets but this stress is something i'd rather
    see the back of for now.
    With a decent start they'll be pumping. I'll be making some of that bene tea instead of using h202 for next time and put it in
    if i see anything in the new buckets.
    Appreciate the help.
  5. #25 Dro Smoe, Jan 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2014
    No prob brotha.. Yea just keep an eye out for wilt, funky spotting etc (symptoms of rot) and hopefully you'll be ok... Just be prepared for the week or so of halted growth as the roots try to adjust to the change in medium.. It's still pretty early so hopefully they'll take.. Yes a LOT of people rave about that Heisenberg tea.. I have to give it a shot myself..

    Edit: and remember not to water them immediately after the transplant as they will be more susceptible to disease etc in their stressed state.. I always give it 24 hours before the first watering..
    And yes, stay away from the h2o2 in the future
  6. It's only been a little over a month. As soon as they went in the soil they took off. I thought they were definately gonna be slow after all that stress. Hardy plants.

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