need help finding sources + info

Discussion in 'General' started by sp4rk, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. Whats up GC

    so today i got into a debate about marijuana with my managers at work. After stating several points such as marijuana doesn't cause cancer or make people stupid they just said i was lying and that they have "friends who smoke that are really stupid" while also calling me stupid. :mad: people are so ******* stupid

    i didn't find enough on the NORML website. i need some help finding some sources on long term effects, how it effects the brain, and how cannabis treats cancer. Google and other search engines just bring up .gov sites and more propaganda

  2. oh man thank you so much dude :hello:
  3. If you haven't seen the union then go snatch a copy, and show it to them. If you can't find one in your area, download it, burn it, and then order it off amazon like a week later. I needed mine for some work @ school. I eventually bought a copy of it so they will hopefully get the money to make a sequel. :wave:
  4. Erowid

    Also, WebMD, a very reputable source, says it does not cause cancer and can treat tumors
  5. You could have pointed out that him saying his friends that smoke pot are stupid, is a blanket statement. And prejudice is not a good base for an ideal.

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