Need Help Figuring Out The Sex of This Plant

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mrsbighomie, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. Okay so don't hate me, but I am not a fellow smoker. Personally, I quit many years ago, and don't plan on taking back up the habit however, my man is a smoker who doesn't plan on quitting in this lifetime so I decided to try and be nice and surprise him with some plants. Only problem is, I have no clue what I am doing. I have been growing them outside and all is going okay except I have no idea what sec my plants are. I have checked out a ton of pictures of both sexes but am completely clueless on the topic. I was really hoping that someone would be able to take a look at this picture and tell me what sex this plant is. :confused_2:

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  2. Sorry too blurry to see much of anything.

    Take a shot of a crux(where shoot meets stem). May need to look around middle of plant to find a nice shot where it's open enough to see.
  3. Yeah the camera on my phone is absolutely awful but it is all I have to work with at this time. I tried to bring the plant inside so that I could maybe get a clearer shot, but I don't think that is really working either. I hope maybe someone can see something in my horrible pictures that will indicate sex. It is all the little white hairs that are making me think it is a female, but as I said before, I don't have a clue what I'm talking about.

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  4. Read the "Determining Sex" thread by yoda
  5. What kind of camera r u using? The pics are really blurry
  6. Honestly it looks like it has bud, so it's either a female or a hermie. Then again, like others said...the pics are blurry. But I went through all of the pics, and I see what looks to be bud all over
  7. [quote name='"thepotroast"']Honestly it looks like it has bud, so it's either a female or a hermie. Then again, like others said...the pics are blurry. But I went through all of the pics, and I see what looks to be bud all over[/quote]

    ditto, almost positive it's a female

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