Need help fast! IS my vape safe to use?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by biccA, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. #1 biccA, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2010
    Hi guys, i know that there are many of you here that are experianced on this topic. I am not a begginer or rookie i have been smoking weed for a long time. HEres my problem. My friends brought me back this vape pipe from england. I was very delighted. However it had a difuser in the part that you put a lighter in that was made of a certain rock, that being said the siad rock was full compltealy there was no suction. So i took out the rock, put a few pieces of brand new pyrex glass and the put a socket to hold them in. I know the sockets are safe to use and they really dont take very much heat if anything warm. And the glass is one of the best difusers beacuse its made from the best quality glass right? pyrex? anyways, Heres my worry. I recently found out that apparently aluminum causes alzhaimers with the vapors it creates. I can confirm that the material for this vaporizer are anodized aluminum beacuse i have tested and it is non conductive. My question to u guys, is this safe to use? the vapeorizer itslef does not get very hot beacuse there are only 4 pieces of glass and 2 sockets connected so it does not burn the weed but it vapes it instatnously so the unit does not heat up. Sorry for the long read but please review my pictures and help me out i am getting worried and its my only toking tool.

    Pix coming in 10 minutes
    *** Photos up***
  2. here i made some tags for you maybe it will be easier to understand.[​IMG]
  3. The danger of aluminum is more around Aluminum Foil, being that it's very thin and can burn. The fumes are only released by lighting the Aluminum on fire, as long as your lighter doesn't come in contact with the vape for more than a minute straight you should be fine.
  4. thanks for the fast reply, yea i dont think anything can really happen, thers no taste and i mean it only at most gets warm
  5. Honestly, I wouldn't use it.
    Just get a real vaporizer, with the amount of money you save(if you get a GOOD unit) the vape pays for itself.

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