long story short i bought a plant off some crack head for 70$. He said the police were after him so he chopped his plant. I ripped off all the buds and put them in a plastic bag. It weighed about 150grams, so does anyone have any idea what that will weigh once i dry it. Also what are the best methods for drying/curing. I cannot hang my buds because i live with my parents (im in highschool [dont worry im 18, i just failed a grade]). And is it best to start drying very soon? Also do u need good ventilation when drying because i was thinking about drying them in my closet? I also heard about putting ur buds in a shoebox or paper bag, do these methods work and if so do they affect the bud negatively in any way?
LOL... i would never trust a crack head, its prolly sumthing that looks like weed haha. But uhh i would just hang em and leave em near a light.
by police he probably means the person/people he jacked that plant from to sell and get more money for crack. but hey, whats done is done and its yours now
yes you need A LOT of ventilation the best way is to hang them in your closet with a fan blowing the air around. also make sure the area is dry (low humidity) and start drying asap
lol i bet the crack head had this grand plan after he stole the plant to like sell off dime bags and then get him self a big heap of crack, but then he was like... wait i can get a 70 bag of crack right now, instead of in a week.!
weed loses 75% of its weight after its cured but it also gains 75% of its thc during the cureing stage... P.S. please dont be an idiot,its not exactly 75%, so dont bitch at me if im wrong
Anyone know if you can use Mason Jars, or is that only for the Curing? I use mason jars to store my bud, but i here they can cure to.
To dry: 1.) Cut the plant into smaller branches, and remove as much leaf as possible. 2.) Hang what's left in a DARK room (whoever said to keep it near a light is wrong, light degrades THC after the plant is chopped). 3.) Keep an oscillating fan blowing underneath the level the buds are hanging at. You don't want the fan blowing directly on the buds, as this will cause them to dry too quickly - resulting in a harsh smoke. 4.) Check the buds every day by bending the stems. If they break without a snap, they're done. If they *snap*, they're a bit too dry. If they don't break at all, they're too wet still. 5.) After the buds are dry, take them off the stems and put them in mason jars (in a dark, cool place) to cure. Open the jars a couple times a day for the first few days to let some fresh air in. Gradually slow it down to once a day, then once every other day, etc. *NOTE* You're going to need some odor control, as drying buds smell just as strong (or stronger) than they do while they're growing. You can use a simple ONA method (run a search for ONA and a thread should come up with a simple way to control smell) to control the smell that shouldn't cost more than $25 or so.
i said i cant hang them because my house is too bait. is there any other way to dry the buds that wouldnt smell up my room as bad?
Nope. They're ALL gonna make your room stink... If you need to dry them fast, and harshness isn't a concern you can use a couple methods: 1.) Microwave. Use short spurts of 3-5 seconds at a time, turning after each cycle. 2.) Oven. Preheat to 150<sup>o</sup>F, put buds in for 10 mins or so. Both these suck, and the resulting product will burn the shit outta your throat, and not taste very good -- but you'll get stoned.
i used a space heater on the lowest i put the heater to wear it was blowing over the buds in a small area but not directly on them the harshness was not an issue the buds still smoked amazingly with very little harshness just a little in the back of the throat
how long can you keep the jar closed till mold forms? or would it be best to freeze if you have excess bud and not enough time hah
Id Say Do It Right Or Not At All.bro Id Sell Them To Some Who Can. U Throw Them In A Micro.? Ouch!!!!! U Mite As Well Have Crappy Brown Weed Full Of Seed Imh Bro
Not at all correct. Weed gains THC in the growth process. Curing mellows out the taste of the smoke, mainly by managing the breakdown of chlorophyll.
To dry: best option is to hang it, allows the most airflow over all the buds. You can dry in a brown grocery bag, top rolled loosely, stir very gently but thoroughly at least once a day. I'd also get some boil-in-bag rice and put the uncooked rice bags in the grocery bag to help dry things out. But both methods are stinky.