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need help determining age and overall health of garden

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Cannatx, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. Hi im struggling to determine if my plants are in theyre 3rd or 4th week of flower im doing an outdoor grow in the Texas area, my beans sprouted on April 3rd and today it is august 24th the plants however arent more than 3 ft in height . I have a Northern lights X Big bud and i also have a Delahaze from paradise seeds ill attach photos of both below honest opinions of plants ate greatly appreciated as this is my first grow attempt with non autoflowering cannabis

    20170824_114805.jpg both plants the topped NL X BB in front
  2. delahaze close ups not too strong of an odor but we all know with the pinch test you get a release of smell and boy does she smell delightful a slightly skunky citrus and very sticky

    Attached Files:

  3. Northern Lights x Big Bud close ups
    I topped this one so she's considerably bushy harder to get a good look at the buds due to all of the vegetative growth
    smell isnt as strong as the delahaze but still looks delicious of course

    Attached Files:

  4. I've been feeding the plants bloom nutrients as follows my recipe includes
    -botanicare cns17 bloom
    -AN Nirvana plant strengthener
    -AN Bud Candy
    -AN sensi cal mag
    -Humboldts Own Snow storm ultra
  5. First and foremost, you have your plants in what looks like 2-3 gallon plastic pots. Chances are, your plants are root bound. So if you are wondering about size and growth, there's your issue. Should have had your entire grow in fabric pots, not plastic. The buds look frosty but I don't think they are going to get much bigger. That's my humble opinion. Others may have other suggestions. Good luck.
  6. thanks for chiming in! i didn't consider thag because the pots are cone warrior pots and they're hollow in the middle t's supposed to prevent them from becoming root bound in my understanding and prevent over watering but thanks for the input
  7. For an indoor grow those pots may be okay for the short cycle.
  8. ohh hmm i see, and it's way too late for a transplant im sure, what week of flowering do they seem to be in ? I lost track and cant tell if its week 3 or 4
  9. I'd say that you are pretty close to the end of the cycle, with the way the pistils have died back.
  10. alright thanks my man
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  11. anyone else have input?

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