Need help designing tables

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by poppaeve, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Hello,
    So I have been growing for around 2 years now with decent success. I have two rooms 10x12 each with 6 lights per room 1000 watts. Ive got good air flow and temps etc. However my tables currently occupy the entire room and it makes it impossible to get to the plants in the back of the room.
    I want to build one table per light with watering systems intergrated into each table. Can someone give me some help as to how many plants I can reaasonably get away with per table, heights, widths etc. Any general knowledge that will help with this build.
    Currently I am running 12 plants per light but would like to possibly see about getting more in there. 
    Thank you,
    Concerned stoner with procrastination issues.


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