Hey guys. So I broke my downstem for my weedstar double bubble 2.0 I figured, instead of buying a replacement for 22 bucks. Maybe I can try for an upgraded custom design. I know 2010BC makes gridded downstems. Heres a pic I contacted glassmansdoll, cause I am fond of his work, and have been happy with my previous purchases with him. I asked him if he feels he can re-create this design, because I know he has some experience with grids. Now if he does say yes, or even if he says no. What do you guys think would be a good price range for a downstem like this? Now this is from a custom blower, not the higher priced name brands (no im not knocking the other brands)
ive contacted DWB Glassman and a few others on etsy. And they all said they can make clear bottle percs for like 50-70 so a downstem shouldnt be that much
Thats great. thank you so much. Besides DWB, GMD, and SSFG, got any other names worth lookin at on there?
People hate on him but glasstafarian makes some really sick shit.He actually makes the sickest inline bubs I have ever seen. Not inline