Need help choosing a strain :)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Clubbernonx, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. HI I was going to start my first grow this season, but I was wondering what strain would best best?
    Im growing outdoors and want the shortest strain that doesn't look like marijuana, I was thinking about kush any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  2. marijuana's going to look like marijuana no matter what. There are methods you could use to keep the plant bushier and less lengthy though. try a search on low stress training, pinching, and topping.
  3. Well I read somewhere that hindu kush only grows to a height of 40 cm and I was thinking I could plant inside of another plant and maybe twisty tie some flowers on it
  4. Best laugh I have had today! I wouldn't want to be a plant in your care
  5. "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

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