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Need help buying weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by iLoveTheGwop, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Iv been buying purple kush for 15 a G but over heard Their is a difference in buying kush and then korn ... like you can buy korn buy the sack not a gram and I just need help in how to buy it cause iv been thinking iv been getting ripped off in buying by the gram and should stop buying good quality and instead buy less quality and more weed? Please help I'm confused!

    Sent from my SGH-T599N using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  2. #2 Sexy Jesus, Feb 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2014
    You can buy mids for usually half the price of dank I.E: (1/8th of dank = $60 -1/8th of mids = $30) but you will have to smoke more to get the same high. I find that better quality strains give me a more solid high so you can choose between quality or quantity. Or you can get lucky and get a good quantity of quality for a quality price.
    Around here it's usually $20/G for dank and $10/G for mids.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Buying more weed at once is ALWAYS better as you will catch a price break.....unless they are fucking you. Find out the prices for a gram, eighth of an ounce, quarter of an ounce, half of an ounce, a full ounce. Then do the math and figure out how much you'd like to buy. As far as's up to you.

    For example:

    I can get some hash oil for $40 per gram. I can get an ounce for $320(~$11.42 per gram.)

    I'd much rather pay ~$11 per gram than $40 pre gram.
  4. Thanks for the help and if If buy an ounce of korn for $80 would that be mid grade or just booboo ?

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  5. Sent from my SGH-T599N using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. Sent from my SGH-T599N using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. #7 Tree Burner, Feb 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2014
    It's hard to say as prices very greatly depending on location/hook-up. Where I'm at now I'd guess that would be the cost of low mids....nothing more than a guess.
  8. Alright thanks for the help

    Sent from my SGH-T599N using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. An ounce of decent mids around here is about $100 but like tree burner said higher quantity will give you a volume discount. No matter what kind it is you should get a "bulk discount" So in my area if you do QP's of middies your looking at about $85 an ounce for 4 ounces, so your saving $15 off each ounce. as for the quality you just need to check it out, go buy an 1/8th before you buy an ounce and see if its good if it is then $80 per ounce is a good price.
  10. What are some good mid strains of weed to look into? That you think I can buy an ounce for $100 threw $150?

    Sent from my SGH-T599N using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  11. [quote name="iLoveTheGwop" post="19457758" timestamp="1391436532"]What are some good mid strains of weed to look into? That you think I can buy an ounce for $100 threw $150? People don't usually know the strains of their midsSent from my SGH-T599N using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote]Sent from my SCH-I535 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  12. post pics of what you have?
  13. I'm dry until I get paid on Friday

    Sent from my SGH-T599N using Grasscity Forum mobile app
    Then you have champagne taste and a beer wallet.....Like most people. LOL. Like the other poser said, try and 1/8th, and if it's an ounce.
     Personally for me, I go for the Reggie. Exo around me isn't much better, and therefore a waste of money IMO
    $20 a g that last two days
    or $75 a 1/2 that lasts two weeks
    or $135 an O that lasts a month....
    Easy math for me. I vape too, so I'm getting the most out of whatever I buy.
  15. See lately iv been buying kush but I smoke alot so I'm constantly running out before my paycheck.. and do you happen to know a good portable herbal vaporizer I can get ? I bought the part that hooks on to my e-cig but it broke after the first bowl I put in

    Sent from my SGH-T599N using Grasscity Forum mobile app
    I have several. I love my PAX..but you need to look for the one that best fits your personal style and budget. Look at all of them and check out the reviews. The new Grasshopper vape looks like it's worth waiting for. And at $99 it will be one of the cheapest on the market for what it packs inside.
     I smoke three or more times a day. And a half lasts me two weeks. You don't half to keep smoking... Stop for a couple of days, which doesn't sound like a problem since you are dry. When you get re-upped, just put a little in there, like enough for two good hits. I used to smoke that shit all day long when I was younger....guess what? I was wasting it. Now a couple of good hits lasts me a few hours. You aren't NOT getting just want to be REALLY high and stay there. That isn't weed. Weed is a roller coaster, up to a peak and then back down. Learn to enjoy the whole ride and your weed will last much longer, and you'll wonder why you ever tried to keep from taking the whole ride to begin with.
    Here's a list of questions to help narrow down the best vape for you
    Temperature control..
    Maintenance schedule / ease of..
    User friendliness / how big of a technophile are you?
    Answer those questions to your self on a scale of 1-10 which are most important, prioritize them and then ask around.

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