need help brand new grower!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by aw69, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. Hey guys just started growing about 2months ago and have no idea what I'm doing I was told to just buy soil, pots, lights, and seeds. So I bought 2 90w led lights. Pots, decent soil, and cheeseberry haze seeds off amsterdam seed bank. I got everything and planted to seeds first started in sun light now are in my closet which remains locked. They both share a 90w light due to I have 2 more seedlings. When I transplanted one it was stunted and the other was not. Now both are 7 weeks into it and the bottom big fan leaves are turning yellow and brown. I was told so many things like nitrogen deficiency and too much light or water and ph level. All this stuff I was not told so all I kno now is how to put a timer on for 12 hours on then 12 off to flower then hang to dry. Can anyone help me with my problems and tell or show me a full complete and easy way to do everything from seeds to smoking? Please I need some help fellow growers...
  2. #2 housefullOweed, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2010
    I don't think i have ever heard of an led grower being told they have to much light lol, anyways how tall are your plants, how far are you into 12/12? If the led is pretty far away from the yellowing leaves which im guessing it is at 7 weeks the leaves are probably just dying because they arent getting enough light. Here is a thread full of pics of sick plants and a list of symptoms that are typical of certain problems. The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

    Can you link the soil you bought? If you are using fert free soil and have not added ferts this could be your problem.

    Nitrogen (N) Mobile Element and Macro Element

    Benefit: Nitrogen plays a very big role in your plants; this one element is directly responsible for production of chlorophyll, photosynthesis, Amino Acids, which are the building block of Proteins. The myriad of enzymes which help the plants growth in leaves stems and the how well the vigor of your plants is.

    Nitrogen is the biggest mobile element meaning it can travel anywhere on the plant.
    Usually the def will start on the lower to middle part of the plant, and then will usually happen to older leaves first. Then the deficiency will work its way up the plant. Your plant can be green on top, then yellowing on the lower leaves when the deficiency is starting out. Yield will be greatly reduced without good amounts of nitrogen in your plants. Sometimes in bad cases the leaves will turn a purplish color along with the yellowing.

    Unlike a magnesium deficiency, nitrogen def will start from the tips and work its way back to the leaf node. Nitrogen and Magnesium get confused. The best way to tell them apart is, nitrogen deficiency starts around the tips and works its way to the back of the leaves, where a magnesium deficiency will cover the entire outer part of the leave and make the entire leaves yellow leaving the veins to stay green. If your plants are having a slow growth rate and have yellowing of the leaves, then most likely it’s a nitrogen deficiency.
    Towards the middle to end of flowering stages, the plant will show a nitrogen deficiency almost always. This process is completely normal and just let the plant naturally yellow out as it uses it's stored nutrients. This actually helps you by getting ready for final flushing and then harvesting. At this point DO NOT not use nitrogen to fix the problem. The yellowing leaves will then eventually drop off after the plant is done with them.

    Parts affected by a nitrogen deficiency are: Older foliage, going to whole plant, Petioles (rare) cases.
  3. Do your self a favor and buy a book on growing or use the search function on this web site. Don't waste the time of others when you can find the answers your self.
  4. he's clearly a kid and hasn't passed high school. that or you dosed off during biology. i'd suggest maybe hanging out at a plant nursery and quizzing there employees on tomato plants.. you and me both know no1 is going to write paragraphs and paragraphs on a how-to seed to smoking.. im sorry we can't hand feed you all the information the web has to offer but it is out there.

    good luck maybe get some t5's for side lighting to increase yield. :wave:

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