Everytime I smoke weed, I get super anxiety and scared of getting caught. I dont wanna stop smoking because some of my favorite times have been smoking with no worries. I suppose I feel guilty everytime I smoke, and I cant act decently around people when high. *Like really bad* Any tips!?
That was useful.... I tend enjoy myself better alone, and I am awkward around people I don't know. So I find a good movie running in the background while I do whatever on the PC helps ward off some of the bad that can occur. Also if your like me, you tend to turn shit down real low. Doesn't help. Some of the back ground sounds that normally are apparent become nuances, and they can mess with ya. Just my 2 cents...
where do you usually smoke? go smoke at a safer place- somewhere that there is little chance of being caught. but remember man out in public unless you stink like weed to high heaven no one gives a fuck. actually people give less than a fuck- there is so little fuck to be given that i shouldn't even use the word fuck.
Agreed with mental, go to chill spots that you know are safe, and don't smoke in high public area's. Or find a different strain of weed....
Are there certain people you're smoking with that make you anxious? There's some people I know that I can't smoke with unless I want a fucking panic attack.
Usually at home with parents being home, (Just came out of Airforce bout to go to college *so Im not like 16*) I have smoked with a close friend at his apartment before but I was paranoid some-one would randomly walk in. I know its irrational but for some reason I have the hardest time overcoming unreasonable situations. Do you think it could be related to the strain of weed for real? Its some really good bud. Thanks all for the advice.
I used to get like that. Smoked for a few years and it eventually went away after like, a month or two of smoking. I quit for a month and the anxiety's back when I smoke. I'm just gonna keep smoking and ignore the anxiety and try to have a good time...it'll eventually go away. Also, I try to be with people when I smoke a lot...it's always better to have people around in case anything bad happens or you start to freak out. Plus, they're a good distraction to the anxiety. Whenever I do smoke by myself (which is 90% of the time now cuz I just moved and have no friends here), I keep it minimal. Just smoke enough to get a buzz going to relax. If all else fails, lay down and listen to music or watch a movie and fall asleep. But really, weed was put on this earth to be enjoyed--not to make you feel anxious. If it doesn't make you happy, don't smoke it!!
How long have you been smoking weed? I used to be the same way, but then a friend taught me how little people care. However, around new people, I get social anxiety that weed only enhances, so I only smoke alone or with my closest friends. Sorry if I'm way off track...
do they mind? it could be, have you been smoking the same strain? how much do you usually smoke- try smoking less and see how you feel.
I have been smoking since i was 17, so for 6 years. Very on and off though. When I smoke, I will usually only take 1-2 half-ass hits because I'm fearful of getting "Too High." Although I have noticed, when I'm drinking that I will spark up in places that even my friends are uneasy about. A lot of good advice. I guess I'm just going to wait till I go to college and have my own place. But that leaves one last issue. Paranoia of neighbors smelling it ! lol XD geez.
listen to some music and relax..enjoy the high. smoke little by little and just try and chill and get into the music. used to work for me in my startin days