Need help Again...

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Env420, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Alright guys i have everything i need.
    i had tinfoil in the box i have cause i cant afourd mylar.
    but the tinfoil wouldnt stay on the walls because of the extension cord. so i took off the tin foil and painted the walls white. my mom is freaking out cause she thinks the paint fumes are going to explode or some shit like that. i have 4 26w cfls for vegging and another 2 for flowering will anything happen if i use the lights in the painted box?
  2. Should be OK...Tell your mom tin foil is a no no for reflection...;)
  3. Yeah man, you're golden. The paint fumes shouldn't ignite. Not unless it is extremely hot in there.

    I dunno how much good the fumes will do the plants tho, better keep an eye on that. Probably be OK tho is my guess. Good luck brother :)
  4. Thank you guys and yeah i plan on getting mylar when i get some more cash.
    Big help +rep. :D
  5. if she's worried, just wait until the paint has cured.

  6. do you know how long that usually takes?

  7. a day or so.

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