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Need help adding FF trio to my dying plant!!!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Robbie714, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Hello everyone, I have an iron and phosphorus deficiency on my younger plant. Should I go with the instructions on the back of the bottles? Because I don't want to burn her! I just want to make sure I use it right because I've never used it before! Thanks very much everyone on GC!!!

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  2. What age plant? And remind us what she's growing in? And how do you know? Leaf chart? Your pH levels ok?

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  3. #3 mook2707, Mar 22, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
    Ok...I saw the diagnosis on the other thread and the recommendation of bloom nutes. Start with recommended on the bottle or split it up over two feedings if you're concerned about overdoing it. Then see how she rseponds. If the symptoms stop on the new growth you're making progress.
    My concern is that if you're still having root issues, then you're treating a symptom and not the cause. But it's worth a shot. Let us know how it goes.

    P.s. I don't necessarily agree or disagree with the diagnosis, but the recommendation from the other thread was to focus on bloom nutes. If you previously flushed (can't recall), then use the FF feeding schedule. If not, then focus only on what you're missing.

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  4. I'm sorry I forgot to add the pictures mook2707 it's sprouted 2/5 in natures made organic MG. Big mistake! I have 2 Aurora autos going in a 36x20x62 tent with a Marshydro 600 278 draw. My temperature with the lights off is 63°to 70° I have an NPK and Ph test from Lusterleaf. I have a 4 inch Apollo in-line carbon filter, a 4 inch booster fan that draws air from my window into my tent. On 2/17 transplanted my younger plant into 60% soil to 40% perlite, I know it's an auto and I made a mistake of the transplant. Then I had nitrogen toxicity I flushed it, then I left her alone for 2-3 weeks giving her tlc. Only watered three times since I flushed it on 2/27. I think there is a root coming out the bottom of my pot as well it may be root bound? But I just want to add the bloom Nutes for now. If that's what you think I should do? It's only my one plant my other plant that's in 100% organic miracle grow is thriving right now so I don't know if I want to add Nutes to my healthy plant! Here's some pictures thank you very much[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  5. Do I add the whole trio? As bottles instructed on the back? So I'm using all three Foxfarm Nutes? Just go by the instructions on the back correct? Thank you mook

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  6. So I'll mix it in a spray bottle and spray the soil only???

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  7. Easier to mix in a half gallon jug and then pour onto soil without hitting leaves. Go a little heavier on the bloom than asked for. Like 1.25x. And yes...if you flushed before mix all as directed on bottle/chart.

    If you use a half gal jug make sure to halve the nutes!

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  8. Thank you Kindly mook

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  9. [​IMG]

    This may help. Notes at the bottom are important...if I didn't accidentally cut them off! :D

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  10. Thank you! I mixed it in a gallon jug, as described on the back of the bottle. Plus I added more Big Bloom like you said the remaining nutes I put in my Healthier plant. But only a little bit. To see how she reacts. Because I was only feeding water every 4 to 5 days.

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  11. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  12. After adding the FFtrio to my female it's starting to look better now. Still some rotted leaves I took off yesterday. But all in all I think she'll be fine! If it still doesn't get any better, I want to know if I could Foliage feed her?

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