I'm currently beggining the flowering process of my first attempted grow, which is indoors. Next spring, I would like to attempt an outdoor garden. I'm in Illinois and I would like to know what strain(s) would be best for yield/quality. Also I was thinking the end of April is a good time to plant, what do you think? I would prefer something with a large yield in a shorter amount of time. thanks for all you help!
End of April is a very good time, as for early finishing...well the best you will do is probably beginning of September, no earlier. Have a look at "sensiseeds" some of their early varieties, "Early Pearl" will yield around the 500gr if the conditions are good. good luck
here's what I believe I've narrowed my selection down to. Early Pearl, Early Pearl x Great White Shark, Outsider, White Russian, White Russian x Vietnamese Black, and Yieldmaster. Can anyone give me feedback on these, or your opinions please on which I should and shouldn't do, why and why not? Thanks a lot!!!
in case some of you are wondering where i've heard of some of these strains, go here http://cannagenetic.phpwebhosting.com/cgi-bin/showstrain.pl/ over 700 strains