Howdy growers... Seem to be having some issues.... Getting curly leaves... dark green/blue edges on leaves... yellow spots, etc. Growing in hydro under 2 105w CFLS. Made a STUPID mistake when I mixed all nutes together before adding to water. Have changed solution with properly mixed stuff. Flushed the hydroton No longer using distilled water for base water Ph is 5.5 - 6.0 My diagnosis is magnesium deficiency... hope I'm right. Roots seem to be browner than I'd like Using a mycorrhizal additive. If it is magnesium deficiency, what is a walmart available substitute? (closest hyrdo shop 45 miles away) What can I do to help the roots out as well... 5 gal bucket DWC with microsprayers AND airstone... Rooms temps... 75 during lights on cycle, 70 with lights out. Air pump in other room where temps are lower to try to keep bucket water cooler as well Have uploaded 3 pics.... Please help my lil baby...
cant realy see the problem.overall your plant looks good. that liight green in new pretty normal. could be from cold temps. H2O2 (hydroperoxide) is good for roots as it kills bacteria, and provides extra oxygen for the roots. but use it as needed. wouldnt recomend using it on DAYLy bases.
Perhaps I should have focused on the BIG yellow spots.. that have been turning brown and dropping off. So, I'll do that. How much h202 should I add for 4 gallons worth of water?? (This would be standard strength h202 from wally world at 3% strength.) And, should I dump the water after this treatment or ??? Thanx for your speedy answer and I'll try to get a MUCH clearer picture of the problem I'm seeing....
3% thats what i used. 3-4 table spoons should do the trick. mix it with plain water.or light nutrient solution. you ph it. and youre good to go. you dont have to dump it out. after that just continue doing what youre doing
Okay... I have some better pics of what I'm seeing... perhaps this will make things clearer... While this yellowing damage does not appear to be severe and may be due to the original nute mixing mistake I made, I DEFINITELY want to be sure that it's not something I'll have to deal with on any kind of a regular basis.. I hope I was able to focus better on what I considered the issue to be... Thanx again for any help my fellow growers can give me...
by the pics, it looks like your leaf touched a lamp or something like that. or you spilled a little nutes during watering.if it gets worse, let me know. but by the looks of it. its nothing to worry long as new growth looks good youre straight.cheers.
Thanx, Halfa... I was hoping it was something like that and I'll be keeping a close, jaundiced eye on that sucker for the immediate future. You're a lifesaver and several other brand name candies..