NEED CFL BOOSTER...what kind?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by dddsba, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. :confused: Hello Great Grasscity Growers: My flowering room is a large closet fitted w/ an 8 bulb T5 fixture. Results have been great at the tops of the plants, but not so great at the bottoms. I'm looking for a single CFL that will be strong enough to boost yields at plant bottoms...I only want to use one bulb in a small fixture that can be placed on the floor. Any suggestions? THANKS A MILLION for any advice!

    - i.e. What wattage and lumens would be required in this scenario? Is there a preferred brand or type? Fixture suggestions?
  2. they have 65w true (300w equivalent) bulb that is 2700k that would probably help out, i would get two though one on each side. think they are like $14.00 at Home D
  3. I'm using 2 of them in the middle of 4 plants, works very good, I have one pointing up and another hanging above it pointing down with the middle of the canopy between them, another words I've dropped them down below the top of the canopy, lotsa good green growth down low, I'm only in to week 4.3 of flowering and this is the first time I've used these and I've only had one for the 1st half of the grow, I'm gonna fire up the 2nd one tonight and I turn each plant 1-1/4 turn aday.
    Definite improvment from the last grow with just 2-126w LED's, I'm also using 2-40w CFL's at each of the farthest ends from the light between the plant & wall dropped down below the top of the canopy.
    Good Luck & Have Fun,
  4. Get a single bulb mount at lowes or something and learn how to wire it into a normal ac outlet/plug (you can google that it's easy to do) and you can mount it upright on the floor in between plants. works for me except i use (2) 2700k equivalent to 100W whatever that means idk but it helps the bottom of the plants so much for budding!

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