i recently decided to get into making edibles { for personal use }. i tried a recipe online to make it and i failed miserably. so now im looking for a machine to help me make it. i only buy and use sour diesel. i was looking at the magical butter machine but its about $200. the price does not bother me , what bothers me is the amount of pot i have to use {about an ounce or more} for a product ill probably use occasionally. im looking for a smaller machine. ive read some reviews about "THE MOTA POT" and there are too many reviews claiming that it does not make strong enough butter. can someone recommend me a good butter infuser machine that makes small batches of butter.
My favorite machine for making butter is a small 2 cup crockpot that cost $13 at Target. I don't know how you made it before or what you did that fucked it up so miserably but it's almost impossible to fuck up making a butter in a crockpot. The only advantage a special machine has is speed. And wtith a crockpot you don't have to start with an ounce. You can do an 1/8 if you want. Want to make some good brownies? Grind up a henry of weed, grab the baby crockpot and a stick of butter. BAM! That's all it takes for a single batch.
after i posted , ive been doing some more searching in grasscity , and ive seen alot of refrences about a crockpot being better. speed is not that big of an issue due to the fact i can only use the butter during the weekend. id like to try the crockpot method.... any recipes / pot to butter ratio / cooking time you can suggest ???
The instructions are all over online and here. I don't use water when I'm making mine so that I can store the butter longer. As far as ratio goes, that just depends on how big of a dose for something you want to make. Say you want to make a pan of 9 brownies and you want each brownie to have 1/3 of a gram in it, You could just make however much butter the brownie recipe called for and add 3g to it.
i bought a crock-pot little dipper so that i can make 2 sticks of butter with 1/2 an ounce. should be strong enough
Be sure to decarb the weed. Otherwise you probably won't have effective budder. I break up the bud and bake at 300 deg for 15 min. I use a second thermometer to mak sure the oven is at the right temp.
my little dipper crock-pot came today.... i wanna make some brownies is coconut oil better than using butter {costco kirkland} im a bit confused with the decarb process. im spending $165 on 1/2 ounce on diesel and i wanna make sure i got it right. -some say to grind it up before baking or just use your hands to break it up ??? -some say to bake it at 250 , 150 , 350 for 30 , 15 , 45 min as well as as as bunch of other temps and times ???? right now im planning on using the 300 degrees for 15 min. also... is sour diesel good for cannabutter ? my pharmacist also sells OG kush or some form of expensive kush {not pineapple} . same price for 1/2 an ounce. which is my best option ????
Most everything you mention is a personal preference type thing. Coconut, real butter, olive oil, etc. is totally up to you and what you want to do with it. If you prefer to cook with real butter, use real butter. Or don't. It's up to you. Grinding it up or breaking it up? Two different ways to skin the same cat. Do what you prefer. Sour D good for cannabutter? Sure. Pretty much any weed is good for making butter. Again, totally a personal preference. Most people use what's cheap. So, decarbing.... Again, that's another situation where people have their preferred method and do what works for them. Lots of ways to skin that cat too. I tend to do lower temp for longer times, like around 260-280F for 30-40 minutes. I put everything in a sealed foil pouch, but a lot of people don't.
Hi, my plant is very bushy and about 7 feet tall. It is the first week of Autumn and still no head visible. I harvest a small section every few weeks and boil the green leaves up for green butter and have noticed the increase in potency each time. I would like to grow it through the winter but we can get down to -4 celsius. Has anyone had success growing it outside in the ground in frost temperatures? When can I expect to get a head on the plant. I really don't want it any more potent than what it is now.
As far as decarbing ganja goes it is the end result that matters. I always say start with low temps and shorter time in the oven. Then check the ganja and add more time if needed. It is ok to put e ganja back in the oven for more time if it isn't done. Decarbed ganja actually needs to decarb to work. Be sure it it looks, smells and feels the part. Decarbing my way.. Preheat oven to 240* F with a baking pan preheating with it. Make a foil pouch / packet / envelope to hold the ganja. Add roughly ground ganja to the foil packet you made. Seem the edges of the foil packet as tight as possible. Put the packet containing the ganja in the oven on to the baking sheet. Let it go for 15 to 30 minutes. Pull out the packet containing the ganja and let it cool. Look over the ganja. Decarbed ganja is completely dry. Like dry as the desert dry. Crumbling to dust dry. It is darker but not burnt. There is a difference so don't burn it. Green ganja will be dark green. Brown ganja, dark brown etc, etc. it will smell funky. Like James Browns feet funky. I have heard of others going with more heat for longer. For my new place as its a gas oven, 240* for 30 minutes is money if I use an Eighth to a quarter. That same amount of ganja in my last place with an electric oven and far smaller was lower in temp at 225*F for 20 minutes. If you leave the buds whole it takes longer to decarb and you need to strain the ganja out. I grind it rough so the little kernals of decarbed ganja can be ground further before I put it into the coconut oil or butter. It dissolves for the most part whn I do it like that. As far as making oil or butter goes, add the amount of ganja you want and decarb it. Then take a 1/3 cup of coconut oil or butter and mix in the ganja you decarbed in the little crock pot or small coffe pot warmer. Remember to grind it between two spoons to kind of powder it up. It might be a little sticky but if it is decarbed properly it should just crush up nice. Set the temp to low and let it go for 24 to 48 hours. That is enough for a single box of brownies cut into a dozen. If you decarb an eighth it's about a quarter of a gram of decarbed ganja per brownie. If you use a full quarter of an ounce of ganja it's more like a half of a gram of decarbed ganja per brownie. Follow the recipe on the box substituting the medicated oil or butter for what is called for on the box. That has worked for me the half dozen or more times I have made it that way. I got the recipe from this web site. Well I did tweak it a bit for my tastes and kitchen equipment but it does work. Countless happy stoners can attest to it.
You don't need a butter machine. Just put heavy whipping cream (leave enough room to shake) inside a mason jar and shake until it becomes butter. Add a little salt if you want. Pour out the buttermilk that forms and voila - butter. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app