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Need answers quick! ...please

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PaperNapkin, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. Ok so me and my friend are in his gf's basement right now. she lives with her mom and its 3:24 am. We want to fucking smoke! but she is in her bed watching t.v. Now... My jeeps outside with some White widow calling our names. how am I going to get upstairs without her mom hearing or her hearing, smoke, and not have the smell all over my dudes body for his gf's to be pissed about.
    Now this is probably a retarded question, but im just asking for any advice at all.
    Thanks dudes:smoking:
  2. the only thing i can think of is does the basement have one of those little windows you can sneak out from? or you can send someone to distract her while you grab your weed. gl
  3. The basement has 2 sets of stairs. one leading to the kitchen, the other going to the garage. the problem is. the one going to the garage is squeeky as shit, and the one going to the kitchens stairs are as loud as a fucker.
    You know what... I think we are just pussy's.
    Im going anyway. Thanks though :D
  4. c'mon man! Use your thinking skills! There are many ways/excuses you can go out to your car without any confrontation

    If i where in your position i'd just mosy my happy ass out the front door, tell the mother im going to make a quick call, hop in my car and start blaaaaaazzzziiiinnnnn and remember to bring some spray before you go!
  5. We are going after he gets his ass off of MW2 haha
    Add us! if you want

    Screename = peterflamingo
  6. Nothing more sneeky than somebody leaning a shovel against the door perfectly set up to fall on her car... Did you know that shovels get more loud the quieter you try to be? I never would have guessed that... well I guess we can try again in 10 minutes.:(
  7. that sucks
  8. I say use both staircases at the same time, that way if one party gets intercepted the other can still make it to your rig and get the ganj. Then they can sneak back in or whatever. *Shrugs.* :smoking:
  9. I'm making a run for it.... Ill see you soon:eek:
  10. #10 PaperNapkin, Feb 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2010
  11. failthread.

    but really if you want a way to smoke in the house when people home, go in the bathroom turn the shower on, put a towel under the door so smoke can't get out, open the window, blaze. the steam from the shower will prevent anyone from knowing what's happening inside.

    might not work for the situation you had going at your boy's gf's basement but it might help someday

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